【Chapter 35】

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After a long 7 hour flight and a 2 hour drive we finally arrived at the denalis house in Alaska where the rest of the Cullens, minus Edward, were all staying.

I looked towards the house to see everyone waiting for us outside, I smiled and shook my head, Alice must have had a vision.

I smiled at the family members that I knew and started taking the bags out of the car.

Suddenly I was engulfed by a squealing frame.

"Your back!" Alice said excitedly.

I smiled at her.
"Yeah I'm back"

She smiled back at me as the rest of the family helped us in with the bags.
We all then sat down in the living room.

"Hi I'm kate" a blonde woman with straight hair said to me sticking her hand out, I shook it smiling at her.

"Andrea" I introduced myself.

"I'm Tanya" the other blonde with curly hair introduced herself smiling.

"And I'm Irina" a slightly older woman said.

"Nice too meet you"

"So your like a different kind of vampire?" Kate questioned.

I let my vampire face come out and their eyes widened slightly.
"Yes. I'm a nightwalker, my type can; eat and sleep. We also don't sparkle in the sun we burn but I'm an original so that wouldn't kill me plus I have a daylight ring." I told them showing them my ring.

"That's so interesting. So your basically human with the added vampire things such as speed, strength and hearing" Kate said and I nodded.

"Hey you like video games?" She asked motioning to the Xbox that was turned on.

"Yeah" I said and she smiled handing me a controller. Emmett sat down next to me and connected the third controller and we started playing Minecraft.

****** (this is a rlly big time skip btw)

We've been at the denalis for four months now and I've become great friends with Kate. Kind of best friends but don't tell Damon that.

Edwards stopped by a few times over the months but he just glares at me for a couple of minutes and then leaves. It's getting annoying.

I also think something is going on with Emmett and Rosalie because their being really secretive and whispering a lot. I would use my hearing to eavesdrop but I don't want to invade their privacy.

I was in the kitchen cooking some food for myself since I'm the only one who can eat, when suddenly I heard a bang.

I sped out of the room and to the living room where Alice had dropped a book and looked to be in a vision, Jasper walked over to her and grabbed her arm gently.

"What did you see darling?" He asked after she had come out of it.

"It's Bella. She killed herself" Alice told us making me bite my lip to keep my laugh in.
I glanced at Rosalie and saw her grinning which was all it took for me to give in. I let out a laugh and Carlisle looked at me disapprovingly.

I smiled apologetically at him but didn't hide my wide smile.

"I'm going to forks. Just to be sure, don't tell Edward till I'm sure she's dead" Alice said sounding a little relived that the blood singer was dead.

"Bye ally" I said hugging her just before she sped off to pack.

"Well that's a relief, you guys can move back to forks and not have that bitch nosing in your business" I laughed and Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie smiled in amusement as Esme and Carlisle looked at me in disappointment

"She just died have a little respect" Carlisle reminded me.

"So? People die all the time. Move on" I told him before speeding off to find Kate.
I walked into her room and saw her reading a magazine on the bed.

"Bitchy blood singer's dead" I told her with a grin and she laughed remembering how much I was complaining about her over the past couple of months.

"Finally. She sounded like a problem human" she said and I nodded in agreement.

Rosalie suddenly came in with the phone in her hand.
"Baby? Do you think I should tell Edward? I mean he has a right to know" she said sitting down next to Kate and I.

"Sure whatever. I mean Alice said she saw her die so she probably is dead" I said and she shrugged before dialling the number.

 I mean Alice said she saw her die so she probably is dead" I said and she shrugged before dialling the number

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A/N sorry it's so short it's just a filler!

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