【Chapter 11】

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A/N I have never written gxgxb smut before so yeah it might be a little shit.

⚠️smut warning⚠️

I felt a gust of wind around me and next thing I knew Rosalie and Emmett were both naked.

My eyes roamed both of them, widened slightly when I saw the size of Emmett's cock.

He saw were my gaze was and smirked at me.

"Hmm it's quite a lot to handle isn't it?" Commented rose with slight amusement, I nodded still in a daze.

They both got on the bed either side of me as Rosalie started taking my heels off and Emmett started unzipping my dress.

I discarded my dress onto the floor where the rest of their clothes were.

I head Emmett growl lowly when he saw I had matching, black, lace underwear.

I smirked at him to which he responded by tugging me back into his chest and spreading my legs.

I gulped as I watched Rosalie lean towards me. She started to kiss down my neck as Emmett unclipped my bra.

Rosalie then leaned towards my chest and kissed down between my breasts, taking my right nipple in her mouth and sucking softly making me moan.

She took the left one in between her fingers and started pinching and twisting the bud.

My breathing started to quicken, and she then switched her mouth over to the left bud.

I moaned softly and ran my hands through her hair.

Once she had finished attending to my breasts she lay down in front of me so her face was level with my core.

She ran a finger over the fabric making sure to put pressure on my covered clit.

"Rose" I whined just wanting her to touch me properly.

She looked up at me with an innocent expression making me groan.

"Please" I begged her.

She smirked and hooked her fingers in the fabric and Emmett let me move my legs so that she could slide my underwear down.

Once she had taken them off he grabbed my legs again so I couldn't close them.

Rosalie faced my bare pussy again and ran a finger through my folds making sure to stay away from my clit.

My hands went to her hair.
"Please Rosie" I whined.

"What do you want me to do baby?" She asked me smirking slightly.

I huffed.
"Touch me!" I demanded.

She happily complied by latching her mouth onto my clit and sucking lightly.

"God" I moaned

I felt Emmett's hands coming up to my chest and he started to knead my breasts.

I felt myself building towards an orgasm, Rosalie flicked her tongue over my sensitive bud whilst pushing two fingers inside of me.

"I'm-" I stared but was cut off by my own moan as she curled her fingers right on my g-spot.

She started moving her fingers faster whilst sucking my clit until the knot in my stomach finally came undone.

I let out a strangled moan as I came on her fingers.

She moved them softly letting me ride out my high, she pulled them out and kissed up my body until she got to my lips.

I eagerly kissed her back, I noticed that Emmett had let go of my legs so I pushed her back lightly so that she was lying on the bed.

I knelt down to my ass was sticking in the air and my face was towards her core.

I ran my fingers through her folds and she moaned.

My mouth latched onto her pussy, as I was exploring her with my tongue I didn't notice emmett coming up behind me until he thrusted into my core.

My eyes widened and I unlatched my mouth from Rosalie to let out a loud moan.

"Oh my god" I exclaimed as I felt how big he was.

I felt Rosalie hand in my hair making me remember what I had been doing so I thrusted my fingers into her as we both moaned together.

I set my mouth back to work as I muffled my moans on her core sending vibrations through her.

Emmett fucked my hard from behind whist I fingered Rosalie's pussy and sucked her clit.

I could feel another orgasm coming and by the feel of Rosalie clenching around my fingers I could tell she was about to come too.

I moved my fingers faster and felt her spasm around my fingers as she reached her high.

Once I helped her ride through her orgasm I took my mouth away and focused on the feeling of Emmett's cock pounding into me.

"Ah ah ah" I moaned, I felt him reach around and start to rub my clit which was enough for me and I immediately came around him.

He pulled out of me and lay down on the bed, I saw rose climb on top of him and impale herself on his cock. She moaned at the feeling and started to bounce up and down.

I crawled towards them and started to rub her clit to help her finish.

"Oh god" she moaned, I looked up at her and saw her looking at me.

I got up onto my knees and kissed her, my tongue invaded her mouth muffling her moans as I kept rubbing her clit.

"Come for us Rosie" I whispered in her ear and she let out a loud moan immediately coming on Emmett's cock.

I realised that Emmett hadn't come yet so after Rosalie got off of him I lay down on the bed. Emmett got the message because he quickly got up and thrusted into me.

I let out moans as he fucked me using his speed.

I heard him groan in my ear as he tensed up and came inside of me.

⚠️Smut warning over⚠️

I stroked his cheek and he got off of me and lay down beside rose in the bed, I soon joined them.

I lay down in between them and they snuggled into my side, I felt Emmett start to stroke his fingers up and down my back making me relax.

I soon fell asleep in my mates arms.

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