【Chapter 44】

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The day of the fight had finally arrived, Bella, Edward, Jacob and some other wolf are up on the mountain whilst the rest of the Cullens plus Kol and I were waiting for the army to approach.

"They're coming" Kol told us obviously picking up on the fast approaching footsteps whilst I was distracted.

"Kol" I said and he turned to me and we smirked at each other.

"Happy fighting" we said at the same time and Emmett groaned.

"Your those creepy twins that do stuff at the same time aren't you?" He asked us.

"Yes" Kol and I said together again making Rose glance at me in amusement.

We saw the newborns run out of the trees and we charged towards them.

I punched one guy in the face and used my speed to go behind him and twist his head off. I was caught of guard when a newborn wrapped their arms around me and attempted to crush me, she broke my arm and I wrapped my legs around her neck pushing her to the ground where I grabbed her head and threw it off.

I caught sight of a brown haired girl near the edge who looked scared so I approached her cautiously. She looked at me wide eyed and started whimpering.

"P-please don't hurt me" she pleaded.

I smiled softly at her.
"I won't I promise. You wanna come with me? I can get someone to help you" I told her and she hesitantly nodded.

"What's your name?" I asked her.


"I'm Andrea"
I held my hand out for her and she grabbed it.
I led her over to the Cullens who were burning the newborns.

"Carlisle" I called and he looked cautiously at the girl I had at my side. He approached us.

"This is bree. She didn't fight, she didn't want to harm anyone. I promised her help" I told him and he nodded leading the girl away from me.

I walked over to my brother who had some of his own blood on him.
"You good?" I asked him and he smirked.

"Of course. Is your arm alright it looked slightly curved" he said raising a brow.

My mates looked at my arm and went wide eyed when they saw me bleeding. I shrugged and grabbed it snapping it back into place, I bit my lip to keep from crying out.

"Andrea!" Emmett said in shock and I grinned at him.

"It's alright, I have advanced healing remember" I smiled and he grabbed me in his arms making sure I was alright. I saw Rose looking me over too as she gripped my hand.

"Guys I'm alright"

"I'm so glad I don't have anyone fussing over me" kol said and I laughed.

"You won't be saying that when you find your mate" I told him as we started to walk over to the rest of the Cullens.

He scoffed.
"I'm quite happy on my own thank you"

I shrugged at him just as a wolf pounced onto another newborn, the newborn got his arms around the wolf just as another brown wolf came and ripped him off of the first wolf.

The newborn managed to get his arms around the wolf and crush some of his bones. I winced at the sound as some more wolves tore the newborn apart.

I saw the whimpering one turn and I could see that it was Jacob.

"Ouch" I muttered.

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