【Chapter 12】

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A/N I'm in a writing mood today so I'll probably add a few more chapters on this today and tomorrow! :)
Long chapter lol

The next day the cullens decided to play baseball. I was going to invite Damon but unfortunately he had to go back to mystic falls.

They invited me to play baseball and I said yes mainly because I want to spend more time with my mates; I don't really know how to play baseball.

I sped to the field where I could hear the cullens talking, luckily belly boo wasn't here yet so I could relax before she brings some danger with her that seems to follow her around.

Clumsy bitch.

I could hear the thunder as I walked towards them. As soon as my mates saw me they sped to me; Rosalie kissed me softly in greeting as Emmett hugged me from behind.

I smiled at Rose when we broke away from each other.
"Do I get one?" A husky voice whispered in my ear. I turned my head up as he leaned down to capture my lips.

We broke away and I sent him a teasing smile.

"Very" he grinned as he reluctantly let go of my body. He walked towards Rosalie where they proceeded to mess around with the bat.

We all heard a car pulling up making me groan because I could smell the humans blood. Rose looked at me with the same expression as Emmett looked at us both in amusement.

Mommy esme approached Bella and wrapped an arm around her.
"Glad you're her, we need an umpire" she told Bella in a friendly voice.

"She thinks we cheat" Emmett mocked hurt.

"You probably do." I poked his cheek as he grinned at me knowing full well he did in fact cheat.

Esme showed Bella where to stand as I just stood at the side.
"Are you playing?" Carlisle asked me.

"Nope I don't know how to play" I told him, I didn't really want to play either but I didn't want to be rude. He nodded and they started the game.

I watched my sexy mate as she got ready to hit the ball, she winked at me and I smiled.

I looked over at Emmett as he messed around once he saw me looking he grinned, I laughed and shook my head at his immaturity.

"It's time" Alice announced.

She threw the ball to Rosalie who hit it with her strength making a large bang.

That's why they need the thunder to play.

"Okay, now I see why you need the thunder" I heard Bella say to nobody in particular.

I didn't really care, her voice is so annoying.
I watched Rose run around as fast as she could as Edward ran off to catch the ball.

"That's got to be a home run right esme?" I asked her.

"Edwards very fast" she responded to me.

Suddenly the ball came soaring back towards us and esme caught it before rose got to the marker.

"You're out" Bella said to Rose.

"Out" Emmett cheered, I looked at him sternly knowing Rose would be upset that the human just said that to her.

He grimaced and I held my hand out to her, she accepted it and I helped her up.

Emmett saw the look on rosalies face and shouted over.
"Babe, come on it's just a game"

She gave a deathly glare at Bella as I dragged her away by the hand.

"Hey it's ok. I thought you were brilliant." I told her sincerely before adding.
"And sexy"

She smirked and put her arm around me tugging my body into her side.

Carlisle got ready to bat next, Alice threw the ball and he hit it and started running.
I watched as Emmett and Edward both jumped up to catch it but they collided into each other getting knocked to the ground making me laugh.

Jasper got ready to bat next, he did some tricks with the bad trying to show off to Alice who smiled lovingly at him.

She threw the ball to her mate who also hit it  making a loud bang. He ran around the bases whilst Rose and I watched our very hot mate climb up a tree an catch the ball.

He threw it back towards the rest of the cullens and Rosalie glanced at me.
"Our monkey man" she stated making me giggle.

She then went to the base because it was her turn again.
Alice then proceeded to throw the ball to her and she hit it.

"Woo go rose!" I cheered.

She ran around the bases, I looked at Alice who had gone quiet and saw her having a vision. She suddenly looked towards the woods and yelled "stop!"

We all looked at her confused until I caught scent of other vampires. Cold ones.

We all surrounded Bella as the other cold ones came out of the woods.

"They we're leaving but they heard us" she told Edward.

"Let's go" he tried to get Bella to leave but Carlisle interjected.

"It's too late"

"Get your hair down" he instructed her.

I scoffed at him when I could still smell her when she took her hair out.
"Like that'll work." I stated

"She's right, I could smell her from across the field" Rose commented. I grabbed her hand making her face me and gave her a soft smile; she calmed down a little and smiled back squeezing my hand in thanks.

 I grabbed her hand making her face me and gave her a soft smile; she calmed down a little and smiled back squeezing my hand in thanks

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