【Chapter 15】

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We reached the ballet studio and Edward was already there.
Alice went to help Bella whilst Carlisle Jasper and I went over to Edward.

"Son. Enough" Carlisle told Edward as he was holding James in a choke hold.
"Remember who you are"

We could hear Bella screaming in the background.
"Bella needs you Edward. We'll deal with James" I told him.

"Carlisle her blood!" Alice yelled.

"Your brothers and Andrea will take care of James" Carlisle told Edward as Emmett and Jasper grabbed James.

Some how James got free and I ran after him, I grabbed him and pinned him to the ground and grabbed his head, without me seeing he ripped the floorboards up and stabbed me with them through the heart.

The last thing I saw was Emmett letting out a roar of rage and ripping James' head off.

Third person

Jasper started the fire as Emmett and Alice ripped James to pieces, they threw him on the fire as Edward helped Bella.

Emmett approached his mates grey and lifeless body and kneeled down next to her.
He put her head in his lap and waited for her to wake up, but she didn't.

As Carlisle and Edward took Bella to the hospital Emmett picked his mate up and sped back to the Cullens house where Rosalie was sitting in the living room.

Rosalie immediately stood up and let out a cry at the sight of her mates.
"What happened?" She asked seeing a blood stain on Andreas top.

"James- he- he stabbed her in the heart" Emmett said as they walked into their room and placed Andrea on the bed.

"Is she dead?" Rosalie asked gripping Andreas hand.

"I don't know- I don't think so." Emmett replied not taking his eyes off of his mate.

"But- she said only a certain type of wood could kill her..." Rosalie sobbed out.

Suddenly Andreas skin started to go back to normal and Emmett nudged Rosalie.
"Look" he pointed and the watched as her skin turned completely normal and she gasped.

Andreas pov

I opened my eyes and saw Rosie and Emmett looking at me in concern.
"Are you alright my love?" Rosalie asked making me smile.

"I'm fine. Promise" I told her and she launched herself at me and hugged me tightly.

"I though you died!" She gasped.

"I did- well in away. I died temporarily" I told her as Emmett joined in our hug and wrapped his arms around us.

"I love you!" Rosalie blurted out and kissed me. I was in shock, this is the first time we've said those words to each other.

She pulled away from me and Emmett then kissed me on the lips
"I love you" he told me.

I smiled at them.
"I love you guys too" I said kissing Rosalie first and then Emmett.

"I love you guys too" I said kissing Rosalie first and then Emmett

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A/N sorry it's a little short lol. Next chapter out tomorrow

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