【Chapter 52】

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3 days later and Bella finally woke up. We were all gathered in the living room waiting for Bella so that she could be introduced to her daughter.

Edward had gone to greet her when she woke up so that he can teach her to hunt for animals and to feed.

I heard footsteps from outside indicating that they were back from their hunt.

She walked into the room and I noticed that Edward was glaring at Bella. I furrowed my brows.

"Rosalie" he called and she looked at him confused.
"Take renesmee upstairs" he told her.

Rosalie gave him a questioning look but did as he said and walked off with the baby.
We all looked towards Bella and Edward. Bella had a smug look on her face.

"What's happening?" I asked confused.

"Bella isn't my mate." He said and the rest of the family looked angry.

"So we constantly risked our lives for someone who isn't even you mate" Emmett said angrily.

"All I wanted was to become a vampire. And now I am one" Bella butted in.
"I don't love Edward. And I never want to see that creature near me. I'm leaving" Bella said and my eyes widened in shock.

"She's you daughter!" I protested outraged by the fact that she wouldn't even meet her daughter. She used the baby as a way to become a vampire, she knew she would die.

"I don't care." She said before speeding out of the house.

I gaped in shock.
"What the fuck" I muttered.

"She didn't even love me. She just used us all." Edward said.

I felt tears coming to my eyes at the thought of the beautiful baby upstairs who didn't even get given a chance by her mother.
I immediately sped upstairs to the nursery where Rosalie and nessy were.

Rose handed me renesmee so that she could go downstairs and yell at Edward.
Nessie looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey pretty girl" I said to her sniffling.

She raised a hand to my cheek.
'What's wrong auntie ree'

She asked in my head, she couldn't say my name fully so I just embraced the nickname.
I smiled softly at her.
"Nothing sweetie. Aunties fine"

'Who was that woman downstairs. I don't like her'

She said inside of my head again making me laugh.
"Nobody sweetie. Just a really bad person" I told her as she cuddled into my chest.


After I put renesmee down for a nap I walked downstairs to see the sad, confused and angry faces of the rest of the family.

"I can't believe that she would leave her own daughter like that. What a fucking bitch." I muttered going over to sit beside Emmett.

"We're all pretty confused Drea" Emmett said glaring at Edward.

"I-I'm sorry I put everyone through all of this. I was confused on wether or not Bella was my mate and I can definitely see now that she isn't." Edward said.

I softened a little. I felt sorry for him I mean he thought that she would wake up and feel the mate bond and she would be happy with renesmee and him but he got a two faced bitch who was just using him.

I suddenly remembered what happened at his wedding and felt even more bad for him.
"Edward?" I got his attention and he looked up at me.


"Um... at your wedding. I saw something, and I didn't tell you because you looked so happy and I didn't wanna ruin it" I said to him and he gave me a questioning look.

"I saw Bella and Jacob kissing. When you came back into the after party by yourself I went to look for Bella and saw them" I told him and he looked even more betrayed.

"W-what?" He croaked.

"I'm so sorry I didn't say anything. If it makes you feel a little better I think she was using Jacob too. So that he would influence the pack to protect her whenever she brought danger to herself" I explained.

"At the party I saw Bella press the wrapping paper on her finger so that it would cut her" Jasper told everyone.

"What?! So that bitch did it on purpose!?" Shrieked Rosalie.

"I think she might have been hoping to get hurt bad enough so that we would have to turn her" he said.

"She's selfish" I muttered.
"If she ever shows her face around here again I'm going to rip her apart slowly and painfully" I said darkly and Rosalie nodded in agreement.

Suddenly Jacob walked into the room without knocking and I glared at him.

"Is Bella awake yet?" He asked smiling, ignoring my glare.

"She left" Edward told him also glaring.

Jacobs face dropped.
"What?!" He choked out looking like he was going to cry.

"She said she used Edward to become a vampire and then she said she didn't want anything to do with nessy and then left" I told him bluntly.

"But s-she said she loved me!" He told us making my eyes widen.

"What?" Edward asked, betrayal laced his voice.

"S-she said she loved me. We spent time together when you guys left and she said that she was going to leave you after the wedding and then come get me so we could be together" he said and I huffed out a laugh at the absolute naivety of this boy.

"Jacob she used us all. Get over it, you imprinted on renesmee not her mother" I told him as he sniffled.

"Did Bella cheat on me?" Edward questioned Jacob.
"Jacob" he yelled when Jacob didn't reply.

"Yes" Jacob replied glaring at Edward.

"How many times?!" He yelled.

"Jacob tell us now or I swear to god I will crush your bones like that newborn did!" I threatened when he didn't speak again.

"Just 6 times!" He shuddered at the thought of having his bones crushed again.

"Just 6?! 6?!" Edward yelled outraged.

Jacob quickly ran out of the house as he saw Edward was about to pounce on him. Carlisle quickly ran over to Edward and held him back.
"Calm down son" he told him. As Edward continued to growl.

 As Edward continued to growl

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