【Chapter 64】

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It was finally time for the volturi to come. We were all currently camping near the clearing where we were going to meet the volturi.

I stat on one of the logs next to Rosalie and Emmett. We watched as Jacob grabbed some firewood and threw it in a pile, Benjamin then used his gift to make fire.

"That's what I'm talking about. A little pre-battle bonfire, telling war stories..." he trailed off looking around at everyone.
"Or just standing there like frocking statues."

Garrett then sped forwards and sat on the empty log.
"Name any American battle. I was there" he boasted and I huffed.

"So was I." I muttered quietly making my mates laugh.

"Little bighorn" Jacob said looking at Garrett.

"I came this close to biting Custer, but the Indians got him first." He sighed.

Kate then sped over and sat on his lap whilst shooting me a grin.
"Try olegs assault on Constantinople, he didn't win that one on his own"

Liam one of the Irish vampires then spoke up.
"If your talking battles you're talking the eleven years war. No one does a rebellion like the Irish"

"You lost the eleven years war" Garrett scoffed.

"Aye. But it was one hell of a rebellion" Liam grinned.

"When we ruled everything came to us, prey diplomats." Vladimir spoke up

"Favour seekers" Stephan finished for him.

"Such was our power. But we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints" Vladimir continued.

"We were honest about what we were" Stephan said.

"We sat still for a very long time, we didn't notice we were beginning to petrify" Vladimir said sharing a look with Stephan.

"Perhaps the volturi did us a favour when they, burned our castles" Stephan said glumly.

"We've been waiting 1500 years to return to that favour. We have been ready for a battle for ages..." Vladimir proceeded to tell us the tale.

I must have fallen asleep with my head on Rosalie's head because next thing I knew I could feel myself being carried. I sighed and snuggled my face into the familiar vanilla scented hair.

"Sorry baby I tried not to wake you." She said kissing my head as she lay me down in the tent.

"It's ok." I mumbled sleepily.

"Get some sleep" she told me smiling softly as my eyes closed.

"Night Rosie" I muttered.


The next day we had packed up all of our things and walked out to the large clearing. We didn't have to wait long for the volturi to show.

"If we live through this. I'll follow you anywhere woman" I heard Garrett say making me smile slightly.

"Now you tell me." Kate deadpanned.

I grabbed Rosalie and Emmett's hand and I kissed both of them softly.
"I love you guys." I told them.

"We love you too." Emmett told me before resting his hand on my swollen stomach.
"Both of you"

"Baby. If it looks like it's going to break out into a fight I need you to run" Rosalie said to me, worry across her face.

"Rose-" I went to protest but she cut me off.

"No I don't care. Think about the baby. That poor innocent life inside of you. What will happen if she gets hurt?" She asked me and I placed a hand on my stomach and nodded to her.

"Fine" I agreed.

"The redcoats are coming! The redcoats are coming!" Garrett said anxiously.

The volturi marched into the cleaning. We were outnumbered. By quite a lot. I saw the kings recoil slightly as they saw my family but they kept their composure.

Jane slightly smiled at kol before her face turned neutral again.

Irina stared at her sisters in disbelief as they both stared at her in shock that she actually did what we told them she did.

The wolves then stepped out from behind us much to the shock of the volturi.

After that very dramatic entrance, that made me want to laugh but I kept it in, the volturi took down their hoods and glared over at us.

Carlisle stepped forward.
"Aro. Let us discuss things as we used to, in a civilised manner." He spoke confidently.

"Fair words Carlisle, but a little out of place given the battalion you've assembled against us." Aro said smirking.

"I can promise you that was never my intent. No laws have been broken" Carlisle insisted.

"We see the child, do not treat us as fools" Caius spat.

"She is not being able immortal, these witnesses can attest to that." Carlisle announced.
"Or you can look" he added before gesturing to Nessie who was holding hands with Bekah.

"See the flush of human blood in her cheeks"

"Artifice!" Caius accused.

"I will collect every facet of the truth" Aro held up his hand.
"But from someone more center to the story. Edward." Aro grinned.

"As the child clings to your side, I assume you are involved"

Edward smiled softly at Nessie and Rebekah before walking towards Aro. Nessie then switched sides of Rebekah so that she was in the middle of Jacob and her step-mother.

Edward held out his hand for aro who read his thoughts.
Aro looked at renesmee in fascination.
"I'd like to meet her"

Edward looked back at Rebekah who looked hesitant but he gave her a reassuring smile.
Rebekah started walking towards the volturi holding hands with renesmee as Jacob followed them.

She then stopped and looked at Emmett who nodded and stepped towards her, I felt Rosalie tighten her hold on me. I squeezed her hand as reassurance that I wasn't leaving her side.

Rebekah then looked towards Nik as the volturi cringed. He walked towards Bekah and smirked at the kings who noticeably took a step back.

"The originals" aro stated.

"Hello king aro" my brother said sarcastically.

"Niklaus." He nodded.

"Marcus?" Aro called to the long haired king and indicated to Rebekah and Edward.

"Mates" Marcus replied making me slightly surprised. How could he tell?

"Ah. What happened to the human?" Aro asked sounding genuinely suprised.

"She used us for immortality and then left after giving birth to renesmee." Edward replied making aro smirk slightly.

Aro then focused his attention onto Nessie who walked confidently towards him making me smirk. He held out his hand smiling but Nessie ignored it.

"Hello Aro" she placed her hand on his cheek and showed him her memories.

"Magnifico." He breathed.

He stepped back from her as she walked back into Bekahs arms.
"Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by Bella while she was still human" Aro informed everyone.

 Conceived and carried by Bella while she was still human" Aro informed everyone

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