【Chapter 24】

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A/N I've just realised that this is the longest book I've written lol and it's no where near finished :)

After I had danced with Elijah I got switched to Damon and then Kol.

As I was dancing with kol I over heard Damon flirting with Rebekah and I glared at him, he better not use my baby sister. I will kill him.

When the waltz ended Kol dragged me over to where Rebekah was standing as Damon left.

"Where's the guy you invited?" I asked her going to stand next to her.

"Flirting with his ex" she sighed.

"You've changed Bekah. Settling for mortals is the first sign of weakness" kol told her frowning.

"I'm not settling, I brought him here to kill him. He's Elena's friend, if he dies she suffers. But I've already been scolded once so I was hoping you'd help your baby sister out? Both of you" she told us.

"And spit right in the face of mother's rules?" Kol said glancing at me, I smirked at him.

"We're in" we said I'm unison and Bekah cringed.

"I hate it when you do that. It's creepy" she groaned and we smiled.

Bekah's walked away from us for a few minutes whilst we waited for Matt to be alone so we could approach him. Once he was left alone we started walking towards Matt but Bekah dragged us around the corner and I pouted.

"I'm itching to kill! What are we waiting for?" Kol said to her impatiently.

"The mayor cornered me, give me 15 minutes to lure Matt outside" she said.

"Outside? What's wrong with here on the stairs? Make a spectacle of it" he said grinning and I made a face at him.

"Brother you sound like an idiot. Mother would kill you if you ruined her party" I told him and he frowned.

"Me? Are you not helping?" He asked me confused Bekah also looked at me confused knowing that usually I'd jump at the chance to kill someone.

"I just remembered that some people wouldn't be very happy if I killed someone innocent" I told them blushing slightly.

"Ahh.. your mates" kol smirked at my misfortune.

I nodded shyly and Bekah smirked.

"You told kol?" She asked.

"Yeah, well he is my twin" I told her.

"And what did you think of her liking girls?" She asked.

"You didn't know? I knew before she even knew she liked girls, I would catch her sometimes checking out other women" he rolled his eyes.

"What? I only found out when I met Rosalie" I frowned at him.

He shrugged.

"Anyways I'll see you both outside" Rebekah said walking away.

Kol sighed and walked away from me.

I walked to the bar to get another drink when Elijah caught my eye, he motioned for me to approach him.

I sighed grabbing the glass of champagne and walked over to him.

"I think mother is up to something" he told me.

"Isn't she always up to something?" I asked bored.

"No but I think Elena may be involved" he told me and I groaned at the mention of the doppelgänger who is already getting on my nerves.

"I shall keep my eye out for anything suspicious" I told him and he nodded in thanks before walking over and having a conversation with the doppelgänger.

I walked out onto the dance floor and I stood next to kol when I heard mother start to speak.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass."

I grabbed a glass off of the tray and frowned slightly at the tinted colour but shrugged it off.

"It provides me with no greater joy, than to see my family back together as one." Mother smiled at us, I caught her eye and I smiled back.

"I'd like to thank you all for being apart of this spectacular evening. Cheers." She said raising her glass.

We all copied her and drank the champagne. It tasted a little metallic but I couldn't really place the taste.

I sighed and walked outside to get some fresh air I was startled when something fell from the balcony. I walked over and saw my temporarily dead twin with Damon on top of him.

"Damon!" I hissed at him as I checked to see if my brother was ok, he'd had his neck snapped.

"Are you crazy" Stefan said.

The rest of my siblings walked outside to see what all the noise was and glared slightly at the sight of kol on the ground motionless.

"Maybe a little. For be it for me to cause a problem" he said giving me an apologetic look before walking away.

I walked back inside as Elijah and Klaus carried kol in. I went into my room and took my dress, jewellery, shoes and make up off.

I then took my bra and panties off and put them in the laundry basket. I grabbed one of Emmett's shirts that I had stolen from him and some of my spandex shorts and climbed into bed.

 I grabbed one of Emmett's shirts that I had stolen from him and some of my spandex shorts and climbed into bed

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