【Chapter 60】

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A/N I just walked to the bus stop and couldn't get on the bus bc it was full and then I waited for the next bus which didn't come and I decided to just not go to college today so enjoy a few chapters lol

I let my siblings stay at my house since there was enough rooms. Elijah shared with Hayley and Nik shared with Caroline. Kol and Bekah got rooms of their own.

I just stayed at the Cullens house and slept in Rosalie, Emmett and I's room.

When I woke up I saw both my mates had cuddled up to me during the night and I smiled.
"Morning" I said.

"Morning baby" Emmett greeted me.

"Good morning" Rosalie said kissing my cheek.

My eyes widened, how the fuck could I forget! I mentally scolded myself whilst I shot out of bed and walked into the closet.

"Baby?" Rosalie called out in confusion.

I grabbed my jacket and looked through the pockets, I then pulled out the baby scans and smiled. I walked over to the bed with the scans and my mates both looked at me curiously.

I handed them a scan each and smiled waiting for their reaction.

"B-baby?" Rosalie asked me looking at my stomach.
"Your pregnant?" She asked and I nodded.

She screamed and kissed me in celebration, we both looked over at Emmett who was smiling watching us.
"I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked and I nodded.

He laughed and looked at Rosalie.
"Your gonna be a mom baby" he said to her and she smiled hugging me.

"And you are also gonna be a mom. Woah that's gonna get complicated" he said to me making me laugh.

"It's ok we can just have them call us different names like mummy and mama or something" I shrugged.

I lay back on the bed as Rosalie lifted up my shirt, we could see a slight bump, not really noticeable over clothes. She kissed my stomach and I ran my fingers through her hair as Emmett kissed my neck.

"I love you both so much" he muttered.


After I had told Rosalie and Emmett I wanted to tell my family so I drove back over to my house where they were staying. I walked inside and saw Nik reading on the sofa with Caroline next to him.

Elijah was also sitting on the other sofa with Hayley next to him.

"Where's kol and Bekah?" I asked them and Nik looked up at me.

"Kol is upstairs on the phone with his mate and Bekah is sulking in her room. She won't tell us why." He said and I immediately went to the room Bekah was staying in and knocked on the door.

"Go away Nik!" She yelled from inside making me laugh.

"It's not the puppy with fangs! It's your favourite sister!" I said and she huffed.

"Come in" she said. I walked into her room and saw her lying in the bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"My mate is Edward." She said sadly and I laughed.

"Why are you sad about it?" I asked.

"Because he's married and you don't like him" she pouted.

"One. He's not married. That bitch left him and her daughter after claiming to be using the whole family to get turned into a vampire. And two. I do like Edward. He's an alright guy, I'm not close to him but I don't hate him" I told her and she smiled.

"Really?" She asked hesitantly and I nodded.

She grinned and hugged me tightly.
"I love you big sister" she said.

"I love you too little sister" I smiled and grabbed her hand dragging he off of the bed.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"I have an announcement. KOL!" I yelled to my brother and he ran out of his room.


"Come to the living room!" I yelled walking down stairs and into the living room.

He then sped downstairs and took a seat on the couch that Nik was on and Bekah took a seat on the arm chair.

"Well get on with it" Nik said making me frown.

"I'm pregnant!" I told them smiling holding up the scan.

Bekah squealed and sped to me hugging me.
"Another baby!" She said making Hayley and I laugh.

"Congratulations sister" Elijah said looking at the scan.

"How far along are you?" kol asked me also looking at the scan.

"About 3 months" I said and he kissed my head.

"Congrats sister. Your going to get fat like that one" he said pointing to Hayley who gasped.

"I'm not fat!" She protested making me laugh.

"I've got to go. I need to tell the rest of the Cullens." I told them and they reluctantly let me go.


I got back to the house and almost everyone was outside.

"Carlisle, Esme, Edward come here" I called and they gave me a questioning look but walked over to me.

I led them inside where Rosalie and Emmett was. Nessie then walked in with Jacob and I shrugged.

I then looked out the window and saw my best fiend.

"Kate! Come here and bring your sister!" I told her and she nodded grabbing Tanya.

Once everyone I wanted to tell was in the same room I grabbed true scan out of my pocket.

"Im pregnant" I said getting surprised gasps from almost everyone apart from Carlisle, Rosalie, Emmett and renesmee. Nessie because she didn't really know what it meant.

Everyone congratulated me and passed the scan around to have a look, I grabbed Emmett's scan out of his pocket and called Nessie over.

"What's pregnant mean?" She asked me.

"It means that I'm going to have a baby" I told her and she gasped.

"Really?! I get a cousin?" She asked excitedly and I nodded.

"Yay!" She cheered and I handed her the picture.

"That's your little cousin right now" I told her as she examined it.

"Why's the baby all grey and fuzzy?" She asked.

"Because that was a type of scan that was done. The baby's inside of my stomach" I told her and she looked at it.

"How'd the baby get there?" She questioned innocently as everyone laughed.

"Ask your dad." I told her and she handed back the picture nodding before walking over to Edward who was glaring at me.

I smiled at him innocently and handed Emmett back his picture.

I smiled at him innocently and handed Emmett back his picture

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