【Chapter 19】

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"Stefan where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah asked curiously.

"I don't know ask Damon" Stefan sassed.

Klaus started laughing making me confused.
I looked over at Damon and saw him clench his jaw, I raised an eyebrow and he looked at me with an 'I'll tell you later' look.

"I'm sorry you missed so much. Trouble in paradise" Klaus told Elijah and I whilst laughing.

"Once more word about Elena and this dinner is over" Stefan said darkly and I scoffed.

"Hey you know what? Probably best just to keep Elena in the do not discuss pile" Damon said looking at all of us.

I nodded in agreement.
"Yeah I really can't be bothered for any drama today" I sighed thinking of the stupid blood singer that has probably already gotten my mates into more trouble.

Klaus looked at me curiously probably wondering why I was so fed up with drama when I had been on a sort of holiday.

"Yeah probably best" klaus said in response to Damon.

We went back to eating before Klaus got that stupid shit eating grin on his face.
"It's just the allure of the Petrov a doppelgänger is still so strong. What do you say brother? Shall we tell the about Tatia" Klaus asked Elijah.

I groaned at the mention of her name.
"Please for the love of god do not mention that bitch!" I whined and klaus smirked at me.

" I agree with our sister, why should we discuss matters long since resolved?" Elijah said nervously fiddling with the napkin on the table.

"Given their shared affection for both Elena and Katerina, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line" Klaus said. They then went on to discuss tatia so I tuned out the conversation.

I really don't want to listen to them whine about the doppelgänger, I hate her. Bekah also hated her. She stole our brothers attention and she played them both. She was the village whore.

I tuned back in when Niklaus nudged me.
"Family above all" he said holding his glass up with Elijah.

I raised my glass and clinked it with them.
"Family above all"

We eventually finished dinner and the compelled girls took our plates away.

"So why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal" Elijah offered.

"It's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back, in exchange he and the original extended family leave mystic falls forever. Me, Stefan and Elena live happily ever after. No grudges" Damon said taking a drink.

I shrugged, it did sound reasonable. I don't really like this town anyways and if I wanted to hang out with Damon we could just meet somewhere.

"The deal sounds fair brother" Elijah told him.

"I don't think you understand, Elena's doppelgänger blood ensures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those who oppose me. I will never leave her behind." Nik said darkly.

"So why don't you just get her to donate her blood every month and that way you never run out and she lives a normal life" I shrugged not seeing the big deal.

"I wouldn't try that sister I've already offered that deal before and it didn't end well" Klaus told me and I sighed. Of course it wouldn't be that easy.

 Of course it wouldn't be that easy

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