【Chapter 41】

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The next day I woke up before Kol so I decided to climb on his bed. I sat on his stomach with a plate of bacon in my hand. I smiled as I held it under his nose watching as his nose shifted a little to inhale. I giggled.

I poked his cheek and shoved some bacon in his mouth making his eyes fly open in shock.
"Morning" I grinned.

"Ugh get off" he shoved me off of him but luckily I saved the bacon from falling everywhere.

"You could have destroyed my bacon" I pouted at him.

"What time is it" he groaned

"7 am. Come on we need to get going if we're going to make it back. Apparently they're going to start training tomorrow" I told him and he nodded and reluctantly got out of bed.

I got off of his bed when I heard the shower go and then walked downstairs with my empty plate, I put Kol's bacon sandwich into the microwave to keep warm and sped back upstairs and into my room.

I then showered and tied my hair up into a ponytail, I got dressed into one of Emmett's large hoodies and some white jeans, I then put on some grey ankle boots and grabbed my things.

I put them at the front door and walked into the kitchen where I saw kol eating his bacon sandwich. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and threw it at him, he caught it and thanked me.

I drank my own blood bag, kol then washed his plate and looked at me.
"I'm ready to leave" he told me and I smiled grabbing his hand and leading him outside to the car.

"Nice car" he whistled when he saw the Lamborghini.

"Thanks" I said putting my bags in the boot.
I walked around to the drivers side and got in as kol got into the passenger side.

I turned on the radio as I started the car and drove off towards forks.


When we got back to forks it was nighttime, I pulled up to my house and got out.

"Nice place" kol said looking at my big-ish house.

"Thanks" I said as I led him into the house and upstairs towards one of the guest rooms.

"This is your room while your here" I told him and he thanked me before I left him to unpack.
I got my phone out as I sat in the living room.

Drea: I'm back home with kol btw

I sent a quick text to the group chat I have with Emmett and Rosalie.

Emmy: Come over and bring your brother lol the humans coming over too.

Rosie: Please come over I missed you! <3

Drea: Omw

I sent them the message and stood up placing my phone into my back locked.

"Kol?" I yelled upstairs.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Wanna meet the Cullens?" I asked them.

"Yeah" he yelled back before speeding downstairs and smiling at me he grabbed my left hand and smiled at the ring.
"They asked me. And you said yes apparently" he teased

"Of course I did. I love them, so thank you for approving" I said to him.

"Have you told our siblings yet?" He asked and I cringed knowing I forgot.

"I forgot?"

"Well you should tell them soon Drea" he told me as we walked out towards the car.

"I know. I know" I sighed.

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