【Chapter 49】

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It's been about 2 weeks since Bella and Edward came back from their honeymoon. This was the actual time that they were meant to come back so Charlie has been calling asking if they were back yet but we always just told him 'not yet'.

Bella looks about 8 months pregnant right now.

Jacob had also been calling and we couldn't hold him off any longer. He told us that he was just going to come to the house today and see Bella. Rose and I have been very protective of her because of the baby.

Emmett isn't really on a side, he can see why Edward wants to get rid of the baby but at the same time the baby is innocent.

I perked up at the sound of a motorbike outside, I glanced at Rose and we both stood protectively in front of Bella.

Carlisle walked downstairs to greet Jacob as we all listened in.

"Is it true?!" He demands making me confused. Is what true?

"Hello Jacob. How are you?" Carlisle asks sarcastically.

"Listen. Just give it to me straight" I heard him say to Carlisle. Oh. He thinks we changed Bella.

"Jake is that you?" Bella calls out in a weak voice.

"She's here?" He asks.

"They came home two weeks ago." Carlisle responds.
"Jake!" Carlisle says trying to stop him as we hear the approaching footsteps.

I watch him cautiously as he tries to look around Rosalie and I to see Bella. I can see Rosie glaring at him out of the corner of my eye and hide a smirk.

"I'm glad you came" Bella said looking almost lustfully at Jacob? I guess it's the hormones...

Jacob tries to get closer and Rosalie steps in front of him.
"Close enough." She glares.

"What's your problem" Jacob snaps.

"Fuck off mutt" I say stepping next to my mate as he turns to me and glares harder.

"Rose, Drea it's ok." Bella says making me grimace as she calls me by my nickname. We aren't friends, you haven't earned that privilege.

Rose and I reluctantly let Jacob past us so that he can sit in front of Bella.
"You look terrible" he grins trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah. It's nice to see you too" she scoffs.

"So you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" He asks examining her face. She looked kinda dead.

"Rose, Drea you wanna help me up?" She asked and we walked to either side of her as she pulled the blanket off of her. We grabbed both of her hands and helped her to stand up.

I glanced at Jacob who was shaking in anger.
Jacob looked over to Edward who was shifting uneasily.
"You did this!" He fumed.

I looked at Emmett who got the hint and held his arm out to stop Jacob from attacking Edward.

"We didn't know it was even possible" Carlisle said.

"What is it?" Jacob demanded turning to Carlisle as I frowned and Rose clenched her jaw.

"I'm not sure. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac" he explained.

"I can't see it either" Alice piped in and I gave her a look as she mouthed 'sorry' to me.
"And I can't see Bella's future anymore"

"We've been researching legends but there isn't much to go on. And Drea only knows of her kind being able to get pregnant by witches. Which is highly unlikely with Bella's case considering she hasn't really been alone. She's been with Edward or our family" Carlisle explained.

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