【Chapter 55】

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After we had finished talking to Zoe we went around London sight seeing. We went shopping and we also went to the amusement park.

After we had finished looking around London we went back to the hotel, when we got there I placed my bags onto the table and walked over to the bed. I fell back into in and sighed out at the comfy feeling.

"You alright?" Emmett asked in amusement.

"Tired" I responded.

"How about we make you even more tired" he said suggestively holding up the bottle that Zoe had given him.

"You wanna try now?" I asked him looking around the room for Rosalie.
"Where's Rosie?" I asked.

"She's decided to do some Christmas shopping. Which is crazy considering Christmas is in 4 months" he said rolling his eyes.

I eyed the bottle in his hand.

"And yes I want to try now. Only if you want to though" he added.

I grinned and grabbed my own bottle out of my bag, I drank a little and he did the same.

⚠️Smut Warning⚠️

He walked over to me and kissed me hard, I smiled into the kiss. He trailed his hands down my body to the backs of my thighs.

I did as he said and wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed down my neck, I let out little moans as he walked us over to the bed.

He threw me down on it making me gasp.
I grabbed my shirt and took it off along with my bra.

Emmett took his clothes off leaving him in his boxers as he climbed on top of me. He grabbed my leather leggings and slid them down my legs.

His hand went straight into my pants where I was dripping for him.
He grinned at me.
"Who made you this wet baby?" He asked huskily as his fingers slid through my folds.

"You!" I moaned as my hips bucked up into his hand.

"That's right" he agreed, his fingers finding my clit leaving little circles on it. He then shoved two of his fingers inside me making me cry out.


His fingers slid in and out of me.
"Let's see if I can fit some more fingers in this tight little pussy" he breathed against my ear.

He slid a third finger in as I writhed under him. He found my g-spot making my hips buck.

"Yes!" I cried out as he kept hitting that spot over and over, I felt my release build. He then used his thumb to circle my clit.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" I warned him grabbing onto the hand that he was fingering me with.

"Not yet baby" he told me. Emmett took his fingers out of me making me whine.
"Get on your knees" he demanded.

I pouted a little but got off of the bed and onto my knees as he stood in front of me.

I grabbed the boxers he was wearing and slid them down his legs, he kicked them away.
Once his cock was free I grabbed it in my hands and started pumping it up and down, I put my mouth around it and sucked lightly.

"Good girl" he breathed out, his hands finding their way to the back of my head. I started bobbing my head up and down his cock.

"Stop" he said after a few more seconds, I took my mouth off of him and he pulled me up and kissed me hard.

Emmett backed me towards the bed and he climbed on top of me.

He started to suck my clit making me cry out.
"Emmett please! I need you inside of me!" I said in frustration.

"Beg for it" He said grabbing his cock and sliding it up and down my slit.

"I want you to put a baby inside of me right now! Fuck me!" I told him and he grinned thrusting inside of me.

"Oh fuck!" I cried out as he slid in and out of me, hitting all the right spots.

I felt my orgasm approaching making me buck my hips up to meet his thrusts. I reached i between Emmett and I and started to rub my clit which apparently he didn't like. He grabbed my hand making me stop and he started to pinch and pull at my nipples making me moan.

"Did I say you could touch yourself?" He growled at me.

I only moaned and shook my head, unable to actually form sentences right now.

"Then don't disobey me" he growled. I felt my orgasm fast approaching.

"I need to cum! Please sir!" I moaned out.

"Then cum. Cum all over my cock like the good little slut you are" he said as he continued to thrust into me. I finally let my orgasm take over and clenched down onto his cock. He groaned letting his seed spill inside of me.

⚠️Smut warning over⚠️

Once he was finished he pulled out of me and lay down on the bed next to me. I sighed in bliss as he pulled me into his side.

"How long did the witch say it would take?" He asked.

"About a month" I told him tracing patterns on his bare chest.

"Let's do it again" he said rolling over so he was on top of me, making me giggle.

"Let's do it again" he said rolling over so he was on top of me, making me giggle

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