【Chapter 48】

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A/N Sorry this chapter is kinda short but tomorrows one will be longer <3

Rosalie and I spent the next hour cuddling and talking in bed until we heard the door open and we knew we had to go back downstairs.

We quickly got dressed and fixed ourselves so that the rest of the family wouldn't know what we were doing whilst they were out.

I walked downstairs trailing behind her when suddenly we heard the sound of something dropping.

We followed the noise and saw Jasper helping his mate sit down as she had a vision. The family all waited around patiently until she finally snapped out of it and grabbed her phone.

"Alice?" Bella's voice came through the phone making me sigh knowing our relaxation was over.

"Bella?! Are you alright?" Alice asked worriedly.

"I'm not 100% sure." She answered.

"Why what's wrong? I just-"

"You just what?" Bella demanded.
"Alice what did you see?" She asked again after a moment of silence.
"Tell me!"

"Here's Carlisle" Alice said as she handed him the phone.

"Bella what's going on?" He asked her.

"I don't know I'm a little worried. Can vampires go into shock?" She asked

Carlisle looked concerned.
"Has Edward been harmed?"

"No. I know that it's impossible but I think that I'm pregnant" she said sounding very disappointed.

My mouth opened in shock and I looked a Rose who also looked very shocked.
"How?" I mouthed to her and she shrugged.

"Woah" Bella exclaimed and I furrowed my brows.
"Carlisle I swear something just moved inside of me" she told him and my eyes widened. That's impossible, if she was pregnant she wouldn't be able to feel movement right away.

There was a small shuffle on the other side of the phone and Edward voice came through.
"Is this even possible?" Edward asked.

"I don't know" Carlisle replied.
"The sooner Bella's here the sooner we can find out what it is" he told them.

I frowned. The baby's not an it.

"Just get her back here as soon as possible" Carlisle said hanging up and handing the phone back to Alice.

"I can't see her future anymore" Alice said worriedly.

"They're on there way back now so we just have to wait it out until they get here" Carlisle told us before looking back at me.

"Have you ever seen this before?" He asked me.

"I know a few powerful witches that are able to help vampires procreate if they wish too. But it's very rare because it takes an extreme amount of power. I think I remember my brother once telling me about a tribe somewhere that there were legends of half vampire half human people who were born that way not bitten but I can't remember much about it. Only that the mothers usually died in childbirth because the children would rip them apart from the inside out" I told him as the family faces turned concerned and scared.

I heard Rosalie's phone ring and she grabbed my hand walking outside away from the family.

"Bella?" She asked confused.

"Rosalie. It's Edward he keeps talking about getting the baby out of me and killing it! I don't want to get rid of them" Bella said sounding quite desperate.

"It's alright. Andrea and I will protect you. The baby's innocent" Rosalie told her before hanging up and turning to me with pleading eyes.

"I'll help. I promise, as you said the baby is innocent. I still don't like Bella though" I told her and she smiled softly at me before kissing me lightly.


The next day Bella and Edward finally came back. Rosalie and I went straight to Bella and helped her out of the car. My eyes widened a little when she had a small bump. How is the baby developing that fast?!

I walked her inside and towards Carlisles medical room where he proceeded to do a scan.

"I can't see anything" he told us. I looked over at the screen and sure enough there was a white blob there that looked like it was hiding something so I'm going to assume that the baby doesn't want to be seen.

"What do you mean?" Bella asked.

"Well there's nothing there. Just a white shape that is most certainly not what a baby looks like" he told her cleaning the gel off of her stomach.

"You have to take it out of her! Shes already staring to look weaker!" Edward said and I looked at him in shock.

"That's your child in there. And it's not even your choice! It's Bella's body." I told him and he growled before walking out.

Bella gave me a thankful look and I just shrugged.

"It's true. He doesn't have any say in what you do with your body, if you want to keep the baby keep it. If you want it gone then that fine too." I told her before walking out.

I went into the living room and sat on the couch next to Emmett who put his arm around me.

"You alright baby?" He asked and I nodded.

"I'm fine" I told him lying. I wasn't fine, I guess I was a little jealous that Bella of all people is pregnant when she doesn't even want kids. I mean I've never really thought about having kids but now that I am. I kind of wish I could.

I just gave Emmett a reassuring smile and cuddled into his side as Alice came and sat beside us.

"I'm worried" she told us.

"Me too." I replied.

"I can't see her future anymore. It's blocking me, what if she dies?" Alice asked worriedly.

I shrugged.
"We just have to wait it out. You guys can't do anything without her consent. The baby might be dangerous but there innocent. They didn't ask to be made and I'm pretty sure that when their born we can probably teach them to not be dangerous so that they can live peacefully" I said to her but she still looked conflicted.

 They didn't ask to be made and I'm pretty sure that when their born we can probably teach them to not be dangerous so that they can live peacefully" I said to her but she still looked conflicted

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