【Chapter 26】

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I woke up slightly before my 9 am alarm and got out of bed, I made the bed and hopped in the shower. I then curled my hair and put on a red vest top and some leather leggings with some stiletto ankle boots.

I then put on some red lipstick and walked downstairs where I saw my brother Elijah in the living room reading, I gulped deciding now was the best time to tell him since my mates would be arriving in a few hours.

"Lijah?" I said shyly walking over to him and sitting down next to him, I put his book down giving me his full attention.

"Yes Drea?" He asked curiously.

"I- um I wanted to tell you something" I said fiddling with my fingers, he sensed my nerves and grabbed on of my hands.

"What is it?" He asked.

I took a deep breath.
"I'm bisexual. I like girls and guys" I said looking down slightly.

"Drea. You are my sister, I love you and support you through everything and I'm proud of you for telling me" he said and I hugged him smiling.

"I found my mates. Their names are Emmett and Rosalie" I told him watching as shock overtook his face.

"Mates? Plural?" He asked and I nodded smiling at the thought of my mates.

"Yes, I met them in forks. They are the cold ones. I love them" I told him and he smiled softly at me.

"I'm glad your happy Drea and I'm happy for you" he told me.

I talked to Lijah for a bit when Rebekah came in.
"I found a way to find the white oak. Apparently the Salvatore's were in charge of logging" she told us.

"I'm going to pry the information out of Stefan and Damon" she told us before speeding off.

I got a text from Rosalie saying that they were here and I squealed.
"Sister?" Elijah asked me concerned.

"My mates are here!" I told him excitedly.

"In mystic falls?" He asked shocked that I didn't tell him.

"Sorry I didn't say anything but I was just focusing on telling you guys that I like girls" I told him and he nodded in understanding. I didn't give him a chance to say anything else before I sped out of the house and towards the grill. I smiled as I thought about them staying with me now that my siblings know about them.

I saw the familiar red sports car parked outside of the grill with my favourite blonde leaning against it with our man next to her.

I watched as she took a deep breath in before her head snapped around towards me and I grinned at her. She smiled widely and ran towards me and I caught her when she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"I missed you" she mumbled into my neck and I shivered.

"I missed you too. Both of you" I glanced at Emmett who was smiling at the sight of us together, I walked towards him with Rose still attached to me.

"Rose! Stop hogging our mate!" Emmett whined and Rose reluctantly pulled away from me.

I smiled at her and Emmett picked me up and spun me around.
"Emmy!" I whined and he put me down shooting me a grin.

He leaned down and kissed me softly, I smiled into the kiss loving the feeling of my mates lips on mine once again.

He got shoved away from me as Rose locked her lips with mine. I pulled away and giggled as I saw Emmett on the floor, Rose obviously used her strength to shove him away. He pouted up at us.

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