【Chapter 67】

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After Rosalie, Emmett and I had put together the nursery we went downstairs and started doing our own thing. Emmett was playing video games and Rosalie was painting her nails in the kitchen.

I was currently walking up and down the hallway. I've been having a few pains through out the day but they were getting worse and way more frequent.

I gripped the table as another wave of pain shot through me, I waited a few seconds as it subsided as started to walk again.

Soon another wave of pain came and I couldn't stop the little groan of pain that left my lips. In an instant my mates were both at my side.

"What happened?"

"What's wrong?"

"Is it the baby?"

"Oh god! Oh god! Your hurt! Are you dying?"

Questions were fired at me making me grit my teeth.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at them both and they looked at me with wide eyes.

"Nothings wrong-" I started before I was cut off by the feeling of water. I looked down and saw a slight wet patch on my sweatpants and cringed.

"Um- I think... I think my water just broke" I told my mates looking at them with wide eyes.

Emmett immediately sped upstairs to get our bag of things as Rosalie helped me outside and towards the car.

"Come on baby. We'll go see Carlisle." She said rubbing comforting circles on my back.

"Ok" I nodded in agreement and sat in the back seat.

She shut the door and walked around to the other side, she opened that door and sat next to me. Emmett soon walked out of the house and threw the bag on the passenger seat whilst he got into the drivers side.

"You doing ok?" He asked anxiously as he started the car.

"Fucking great" I growled at him clutching my stomach in pain.

His eyes went wide as Rosalie laughed.

We pulled up towards the Cullens house where Carlisle was waiting outside.
"Alice?" Rosalie asked him and he nodded walking down the steps to help me.

"Let's get you to the medical room" he said guiding me up the stairs.

I passed the rest of the family who smiled excitedly at me, I tried to smile back but it came out as a grimace.

Carlisle handed Rosalie a medical gown and she helped me put it on. I got up on the bed as Emmett pulled a chair up next to me and saw down whilst Rosalie stayed standing.

Carlisle then checked me to see if I was in labour as I said I was.

"Your crowning." He stated in surprise.
"How long have you been having these pains?" He asked me.

"A few hours" I shrugged.

"Hours?!" Rosalie exclaimed.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Emmett asked me.

"I thought it was just Braxton hicks" I told them.

"This late in the pregnancy?" Rose asked in disbelief.

I was about to reply before another wave of pain washed over me making me grip her hand.

"Ow" she said as little cracks formed on her skin.

"Sorry!" I breathed out not letting go.

"I think your ready to push" Carlisle said and I looked at him wide eyed.

"I want the damn drugs!" I told him and he smiled slightly.

"Sorry it's too late. By the time they kicked in the baby would already be out and it would be pointless" he explained.

"It hurts!" I yelled in his face making him cringe.

"I know" he nodded.

"No you fucking don't! You've never had to squeeze a small human out of a hole the size of a golf ball!" I grimaced.

"Push!" He instructed me bending down in front of me.

I cried out pushing as Emmett slipped his hand into mine. I squeezed Rosalie's and Emmett's hand making them both groan in pain.

I stopped pushing to catch my breath.

"Ok the heads out. One more big push and the body should come out" Carlisle told me and I nodded bracing myself.

I took a deep breath and pushed really hard feeling the baby slip out.

Carlisle immediately grabbed her and cut the cord as she started screaming. He took her over to the table and cleaned her up, he then put a blanket around her and gave her to me. As soon as she was in my arms she stopped crying as I looked at her in awe.

"Hi" I whispered as she opened her blue eyes that were identical to mine.

She let out a cute little yawn making my heart melt.

"She's so adorable" Rosalie said leaning over my shoulder and stroking our daughters cheek.

"Beautiful" Emmett agreed.

"Would you like me to let everyone in?" Carlisle asked and I nodded not taking my eyes off my daughter.

Soon the whole family was in the room minus my family and Edward and Nessie as they were still with Rebekah and hope.

"She's so tiny and cute!" Alice gushed walking over towards the bed I was lying in.

"Yeah" I agreed.

"Have you thought of a name?" Esme asked us.

I shared a look with my mates as they smiled and I looked back down towards our little girl and smiled at her.

"Ronnie Mikaelson-Cullen."

A/N I think that's a cute little end chapter! Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you enjoyed it! I've loved writing this book and reading all of your comments! <3

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A/N I think that's a cute little end chapter! Thank you so much for reading and I really hope you enjoyed it! I've loved writing this book and reading all of your comments! <3

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