【Chapter 25】

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I woke up at about 8 am and made my bed,  I then showered and curled my hair. I then put on a black bralett and a dress that zips up in the front, I zipped it up so that the bralett was showing. I then put on some thigh high black stiletto boots.

I then walked over to the nightstand where my phone had been sitting since last night and checked my messages. I frowned as I saw I had over 200 miss calls and over 100 text messages from an unknown number.

I called the number back.

"Omg! Finally!" Alice's voice came through the phone and I frowned more.

"Alice?! How did you get my number?" I asked her.

"Doesn't matter! What matters that I probably didn't get to you in time which means that you've drank the champagne at your mothers toast last night" she said to me.

"Um yeah everyone did" I told her confused.

"Well I had a vision that your mother basically linked you and your siblings together. What happens to one of you happens to all of you" she told me and my eyes widened.

"Thanks Alice! Gotta go!" I told her hanging up and speeding downstairs to the living room where I saw Elijah and Rebekah.

They looked at me curiously noticing my panicked face.

"Mother has linked us all together. Whatever happens to one of us happens to all of us!" I told them panicked.

"How do you know sister?" Elijah questioned as Bekah looked sad.

"I have a friend who has visions and they saw this" I told him careful not to give any information out about Alice.

"Are they a trustworthy source?" He asked.

"Yes I trust them with my life" I told him and he nodded.

I then looked at Rebekah smirking noticing her very obvious sex hair and the fact that she is wearing the same dress as last night.
"Who?" I asked her and she scowled at me.

"I think there are more pressing matters" she hissed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes we need a plan" I told them before explaining my plan which involved Elijah luring Elena to somewhere secluded where she would be trapped and then we can get Rebekah to make sure that she doesn't get out.

Before my siblings could leave I got a text message, they watched me as I looked at it giving them an apologetic look.

Rosie: We're leaving forks.

I frowned.

Drea: What? Why? Where will you go?

I sent the message and anxiously waited for a reply I saw the three dots pop up that told me that she was typing.

"What is it?" Elijah asked me.

"Nothing one second" I waved him off and he frowned at me.

Rosie: Bella got a paper cut and Jasper tried to drain her. It wasn't his fault obviously because he feels everyone's blood lust but Edward is blaming him and wants us to move away so we keep her safe. He's forcing us. Emmett and I were wondering if it would be ok if we came to mystic falls? We miss you. And we don't have to tell anyone we are mates until your ready to.

I smiled as I read that message but frowned knowing my mother could be a potential threat to my mates.

Drea: Edward is a dick. But I'll be ok with you coming here, I'll compel you a house. We have a bit of a situation here with my mother so I might be a little busy but I'll definitely come see you when you arrive. I'll text you the address of your new house and I'll see you soon. Text me when you arrive.

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