【Chapter 30】

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A/N Sorry I didn't update! I was having a marvel movie marathon lol. I'll post a couple of extra chapters tomorrow to make up for it because it's rlly late where I am so I decided just to write this one today.

I turned around on the couch and switched my position so that my legs were lying over Emmett's lap and my head was in Rosalie's.

"Can you play with my hair?" I asked her widening my eyes a little and forming a small pout on my lips.

She sighed and smiled at me, she started running her fingers through my hair and I hummed happily.

Emmett started to stroke my leg up and down making me narrow my eyes at him, he grinned back at me and I kicked him lightly.
"Stop it" I warned.

He pouted but stopped and instead grabbed my hand and started playing with my fingers.

Suddenly we heard Damon scream making me cringe. I really want to help him but he kinda had it coming.

"What was that?!" Bonnie asked us looking scared as klaus announced his presence behind her.

"I wouldn't let it bother you love" he said to her.

"Well it does bother me. You bother me. The way you use people to get what you want, it's not right." She hissed at him.

I pushed my head further into Rosalie's thighs not wanting to deal with the drama and conflict right now.

"Your being emotional Bonnie. I understand that things have been rough for you. You know with your mother leaving again. It's very sad" he told her and I narrowed my eyes as I saw Bonnie's face become sad at the mention of her mother.

"I could help you find her, if you want." At this Bonnie became slightly hopeful.
"have people who can find people, I can bring her back to you." He told her and she still didn't look convinced.

"Or if you choose I can just bring parts of her back." He told her gripping her arm whilst grinning.

She quickly yanked her arm out of his grip and she looked to me for some help.

"Nik leave the poor girl alone and go away. I'll make sure she does the damn spell there's no need to threaten her" I told him getting up and walking over to Bonnie who stood behind me slightly, trusting me more than the rest of my family.

"I'm just going to keep going after the ones you love if you continue to refuse to do the spell. I know it's in the grimoire and I know it requires the blood of my siblings so here we are" he said grabbing a case with bottles of blood in it. I noticed that mine was missing and Nik handed me a glass.

"Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Finn" he said motioning to each of the bottles.

"Sister" he motioned to the glass and I sighed biting into my wrist and letting the blood pour out into the glass. My mates slightly growled as they saw me wince.

Once I had filled the glass I handed it to Bonnie and my mates rushed to me checking me to make sure I wasn't in any pain. I placed my hands on each of their cheeks and smiled softly.
"I'm fine" I told them and they nodded slightly but decided to stay next to me as Nik rolled his eyes.

"Where do you want us?" He asked biting into his hand and letting blood drip onto the floor, Bonnie quickly grabbed a glass and placed it under his hand to capture the blood.

We all watched as Bonnie got started on the spell, talking in Latin and pouring our blood into one glass. She then poured the blood onto the table and chanted louder as the blood started to separate next to the 6 candles.

The fire roared as she completed the spell, I grabbed a knife from the table and stabbed my arm, my mates looked at me wide eyed but I smiled seeing klaus didn't have the same wound. The spell worked.

Soulmates of an original (Rosalie and Emmett ) Where stories live. Discover now