【Chapter 66】

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It has been a few months since the volturi incident and all of the vampire witnesses have left the Cullen residence.

I'm currently a whole nine months pregnant, I'm ready to give birth but the baby just won't budge. Carlisle said if I don't go into labour over the next few days he might have to induce me.

Hayley had given birth to hope last month, she's gorgeous. Unfortunately due to people trying to kill her we had to fake her death. She is now currently being hid by Rebekah and Edward who had also taken renesmee.

I'm sad that they won't be here for the birth of my child but I understand. The rest of my family have also had to go back to New Orleans to keep up appearances of bereavement.

Rosalie, Emmett and I are currently at our house putting together a nursery for our daughter. It's really late I know but with all that has happened with the volturi we just haven't had time to do it.

I'm currently sitting on an arm chair that we had put in the corner of the room. I was unable to help assemble the furniture because my stomach was way too big and every time I bent down the baby would press on my bladder.

I got up from the chair as soon as I saw Emmett had assembled the new set of draws that he had placed against the wall. They were grey wood coloured. I love that colour we got a matching crib with it which Rosalie is trying to put up now.

I grabbed the bag of clothes that we bought and started folding them and placing them in draws. The two top draws were full of pyjamas, the next two draws were full of shirts, the next draws were full of trousers and leggings, then the bottom draw on the right was full of baby rompers and full outfits, the left bottom draw was then filled with socks and shoes.

I then placed a white stuffed bunny and a grey stuffed elephant on top of the set of draws.

"Emmy put this up please" I said holding up to mirror that I had bought, he smiled and kissed me on the top of my head.

"Of course baby. Just sit down" he said pointing to the seat making me huff. I reluctantly walked over to the seat and sat down in it.

"Done." Rosalie said placing the blankets in the crib and screwing a white princess canopy over the crib.

"It looks so cute!" I said smiling, looking at the wooden grey crib with white and pink blankets in it along with a light brown bunny next to them.

"Thank you. I'll just start doing the shelves and the bedside table now" she said walking over to the boxes and opening them.

"I'm finished the changing table so I'll help you with the shelves" Emmett said walking over to her.

I got up from the chair again and walked over to the bag in the corner. I opened one of the draws on the changing table and placed 3 boxes of pampers inside of it. I then grabbed the 3 bottles of powder and placed it in the next draw along with the 4 bottles of baby oil and 3 packs of wipes.

I looked over and saw that Emmett and Rosalie had both assembled the bedside table and the shelves and were now putting books around the room as well as some wall pictures.

"It looks great" I said sliding a white fluffy rug onto the floor.

"It really does" Rosalie said smiling and looking around.

I rubbed my stomach lightly when I felt her kick.
"I can't wait to finally meet you"

A/N Here's some pictures for inspiration! Only a couple more chapters till this book is finished!

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A/N Here's some pictures for inspiration! Only a couple more chapters till this book is finished!

A/N Here's some pictures for inspiration! Only a couple more chapters till this book is finished!

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