【Chapter 6】

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I was so rudely awoken by the sound of banging downstairs. Groaning I got out of my bed and sped downstairs to the front door.

I opened the door where I was greeted by a dark haired blue eyed leather jacket wearing vampire.

I squealed and jumped on him hugging him tightly.

"Jeez! Can't breath!" Damon gasped out.

I jumped back and grinned at him.
"Sorry! I forgot. One second."

I sped into my maids room because the house is under her name to stop other vampires from getting in.

"Miss Matthews I need you to invite my friend in" I compelled her.

We walked downstairs to where Damon was waiting.

"You can come in" she said

"Good now go back to bed" I compelled her.

We both watched as she walked back up the stairs, I looked at Damon and dragged him inside and up the stairs to his room.

"You can stay here for as long as you want. I have school tomorrow because I have to pretend to be a teenager" I laughed.

"That's fine Drea. We can maybe go to a vampire club like we used to? I've missed you" he said hugging me again.

"Missed you too day" I mumbled into his shoulder.

I really did miss my best friend, we've been best friends since I met him when he was human. I did go with Katherine to their house but I didn't mess around with the brothers; I was angry at kat for that but I got over it.

I've been friends with Kat since the 1700, she was a little scared of me at first thinking I would rat her out to my brothers but I didn't. I'm not that cruel.

"Come on I need a movie night with my best friend. I'll get the blood bags and snacks. Bourbons next to the tv. The little bar in the corner" I told him.

He smiled and sped off to set up the movie.

I went to the basement where I grabbed 6 blood bags 3 for me and 3 for Damon.

I then sped back up to the kitchen where I emptied a bag of popcorn into a bowl and then grabbed some Doritos.

Walking into the living room with the snacks I saw Damon on the couch drinking bourbon.

I put all the snacks on the table and threw Damon his 3 blood bags; I pressed play and the movie 'mall cop' started playing.

I sat on the couch and Damon put his arm around me, I snuggled into his side as we watched the movie.

A/N sorry this chapter is short it's just a filler chapter to see how Damon and Andrea's relationship is like. :)


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