【Chapter 65】

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A/N Sorry I didn't update yesterday I kinda forgot 😂

"Impossible" Caius spat

Aro turned around to face the blonde king and glared at him.
"Do you think they fooled me brother?"

Rebekah, Edward, Renesmee and Emmett made there way back to our side whilst Jacob stayed and growled at the kings for a few seconds.

He then turned around and started walking back towards us.

"Bring the informer forward" Caius instructed.

The guards moved around to allow Irina to walk towards the kings. Kate and Tanya both tensed as Irina visibly became scared.

"Is that the child you saw?" Caius asked indicating to renesmee. Irina glanced towards her and sighed.

"I'm not sure" she shook her head.


Jane smirked and was about to use her gift on Irina but was interrupted.
"She's changed! This child is bigger" Irina protested.

"Then your allegations were false" Caius accused.

"The Cullens are innocent I take full responsibility for my mistake" Irina said looking towards Edward.
'I'm sorry' she mouthed.

The guards lit a fire and edwards eyes wend wide reading the kings mind.
"Caius no!" He protested as they ripped her limbs and set her body on fire.



The sisters started to run towards their sister but some of our witnesses managed to grab Tanya while I sped to Kate and grabbed her.

"Drea! Let me go!" She protested using her gift on me.

It hurt but I could handle it.

"Blind them!" Edward instructed zafrina.

"Give me my sight back!" Tanya told her.

Edward approached her and spoke softly.
"Tanya. This is what they want. If you attack now we'll all die."

The sisters both stopped struggling so zafrina gave them their sight back as we all let go of them.

"I'm sorry." Kate told me and I smiled at her.

"It's ok." I told her before walking back over to Rosalie. She immediately grabbed my hand and started checking me over for injuries making me smile softly at her.

"I'm fine love" I told her and she smiled at me.

Suddenly Edward cried out in pain falling to the ground as Jane used her gift on him, I locked eyes with one of the witnesses who had the gift of being a shield and nodded to him. He used his gift to block Jane and she huffed as Edward got up from the ground.

She tried to use it on someone else but it wouldn't work.
"It's working" Edward said surprised as the walking shield smiled.

Jane stepped forward threatingly as he smirked at her. Caius quickly stopped her from hurting anyone else by holding his hand out.

The wolves started growling at the volturi as Alec released his vapour. Before it could reach us aro stopped him making me smirk.

"Aro you see there's no law broken here" Carlisle said glaring slightly at the man.

"Agreed. But does it then follow that there is no danger. For the first time in our history humans pose a threat to our kind. This modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such times only the known is safe only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty. Spare ourselves a fight today only to die tomorrow" Aro's speech sent the volturi's witnesses into panic as they began arguing amongst themselves.

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