【Chapter 39】

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A/N Have another chapter :)

Edward went with Bella to Florida so that she would stay out the way when we tried to get Victoria.

Speaking of which, she was coming tonight.

I got dressed into some leggings, a white shirt and some white trainers, I then made my way to the woods where the rest of the Cullens were.

We stood around and used our hearing to see if we could hear Victoria.

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asked Alice.

Jasper walked closer to Alice who was watching the future for Victoria's decisions.
"She's almost here"

Since my hearing was better I could hear running, I was about to open my mouth but Alice beat me to it.

"On your left!"

We took off running after her through the woods, I jumped over an oncoming rock as I saw Emmett nearly grab her before he unfortunately fell over. I glanced at him as I kept running and he nodded saying he was alright.

I sped up and nearly grabbed her before she jumped over the river, I was about to jump over but Carlisle stoped me making me glare at him.

"Wait! She's in their territory." He told me.

Victoria sped off as we followed her on outside of the treaty line.

"She'll get away!" Esme yelled.

"No she won't" Jasper retorted as some big ass wolves started running after her.

I saw the slight fear on her face as we all kept running after her. She then jumped back over into our territory just as the wolves caught up to her, they snarled.

I caught up to her and grabbed the back of her jacket which she quickly got rid off. I growled at her as she smirked at me and kept running.

I threw the jacket in the lake and kept running.

Jasper ran after her as she jumped from tree to tree, he nearly grabbed her but she ducked him just in time.

Emmett then gained speed on her just as she jumped over the treaty line. My eyes widened when he didn't stop running.

"Emmett don't you dare!" I yelled at him.

"Emmett no!" Rosalie shouted when he didn't stop.

He jumped across and was about to grab her when a stupid wolf knocked him away, I sighed in exasperation. We could have got her if he just left Emmett alone.

I saw the wolf growling at him as he got up off of the ground covered in water. I jumped down into the stream and the wolf growled in warning. I growled back at him and he slightly backed off.

I grabbed him by the neck and threw him further into his own territory as I grabbed Emmett's hand, he laughed as he heard the wolf whine.

He held his hand out for a high five but I just glared at him as we walked back up into our territory.

"Idiot" I scoffed.


When we got back to the house I decided to stay with Rose and Emmett tonight because I didn't want to miss out on Rosalie's lecture.

We made our way up to the shared bedroom and Emmett was about to sit on the bed when I grabbed his arm and shoved him into the bathroom.

"Your soaking! Don't sit on the bed with wet clothes. Change!" I demanded as he rolled his eyes.

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