【Chapter 7】

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"Get up twinny"

"Dreaaaa" a voice sang in my ear



I jolted up and out of bed pinning whoever woke me up to the wall.

I sighed and let them go.
"Damon what the hell" I whined

"Sorry Drea but your late for school" he grinned, very much enjoying my suffering.

I gasped as I saw I only had 10 minutes to get ready.

I used my speed to get ready for the day.

I then ran out of the house where I saw Damon in his car waiting for me

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I then ran out of the house where I saw Damon in his car waiting for me.

"Why are you giving me a lift?" I asked him curious as to why he was being nice.

"No reason. Don't think into it" he mumbled and drove off towards the school.

We sang along to the music on the radio whilst we drove to school in Damon's blue convertible.

Pulling into the school I could feel people staring at us, I hugged my best friend then stepped out of the car.

"Bye Drea have a good day playing human" he said whilst driving past me and out of the school.

I glared at the retreating car but my face immediately lit up as I saw both my mates and their family across the yard.

However most of the family were glaring at Edward and a gross looking human girl as they walked into the woods.

I walked over to my mates and stationed myself in between them hoping to calm them down.

Rosalie immediately hugged me surrounding herself in my scent.

"I missed you" she mumbled.

I giggled as her breath tickled my neck.
"I missed you guys too"

"Rose stop hogging our mate" whined the big teddy bear.

I laughed at the pout that had formed into his face.

Rosalie stepped to the side of me; still hugging me but allowing Emmett to hug me too.

I heard him sigh happily.

"What was that about?" I asked them.

"Edward couldn't stay away from his stupid blood singer and now she knows what we are. Edward has gone to explain to her and he wouldn't listen to us when we told him not to go" rose spat.

My eyes widened a little at the pure hatred she had for the human but I shrugged it off.

"Why didn't he just kill the blood singer... I mean that's why she's called a blood singer her purpose in life is to be sucked dry by Edward"

"He's obsessed with the fact that he can't read her mind, I told you before. He thinks he has feelings for her but when he finds his mate that will all change" Emmett told me as we started heading to our first class.

"Let's hope he finds his mate soon and then we might be able to get rid of the problem human" I giggled.

Rosalie smirked at me.
"Your perfect" she sighed.

I blushed lightly.
"Let's go" I told them.

I groaned as I heard rose laugh behind me; I walked to the classroom I'm meant to be in for my first lesson.

I sat down at my seat and pulled out my notes.

Emmett walked into the classroom and sat next to me.

"Where's rose?"

"She doesn't have this class so it looks like it's just you and me" he smirked.

I shook my head at him and we both stopped talking as more students filed into the classroom.



I walked into the cafeteria and searched the room for the cullens.

I smiled at them as I locked eyes with Emmett.

I heard people whispering as I made my way over to them, I immediately sat down in emmetts lap not giving a fuck about what other people think.

"Hi baby, how was class?" He asked with a grin.

"Great! Absolutely fabulous I loved every second of my classes" I told him with sarcasm.

I heard my other gorgeous mate laugh causing me to lean over and kiss her cheek.

She smiled softly at me and went back to glaring at Bella making me laugh.

"Oh I forgot to ask who was that man who dropped you off today?" Asked Alice curiously which cause me to believe she didn't see him coming.

"That's my best friend Damon. He's amazing. We've been best friends for over 100 years now" I told them.

"You'll have to bring him over sometime so we can meet him" suggested Alice

"Yeah depends on how long he's staying, there's some shit going down where he's from, my brothers involved obviously" I told them with a sigh.

"What's happening?" Asked rose.

"Well there's this doppelgänger called Elena; my brother nik needs to kill her to break his curse so Damon's brother and my other brother are trying to prevent her death. Honestly not surprised wherever my brothers go drama soon follows" I told them with a sigh.

"What's the curse?" Asked Jasper curiously, making me smile since he doesn't talk much.

"Well my brother is really my half brother, niks father was a werewolf. Not like the ones in lapush but ones that are servants of the moon. They can only change on a full moon and they change by breaking every bone in their body. Well when we got turned to vampires and nik killed for the first time he triggered the curse but my mother bound his werewolf side. So nik needs to do some kind of ritual to unlock that side of himself" I explained.

"Woah, your life is like not boring at all" commented Emmett.

I laughed and kissed his cheek.
"I know. It gets tiring after a while though" I told him.

 It gets tiring after a while though" I told him

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