【Chapter 10】

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Once I reached the Cullens house I knocked on the door.

The door opened and I saw Emmett with a large grin on his face.

I smiled and hugged him, he spun me around making me laugh.

"I missed you" he muttered whilst still hugging me.

I pulled back from the hug and grabbed his hand, leading us into the house.
"You saw me at school yesterday" I told him cheekily.

"That was ages ago"

I laughed at the little pout that had formed on his face, once we reached the kitchen where everyone was... cooking? Oh. Right Bella is coming over... ew.

My other beautiful mate immediately sped over to me and hugged me.
"Missed you"

I smiled softly at her and watched as she made her way back over to the salad bowl she had put down and continued to prepare it.

"Why do I have to be here again?" I asked taking a seat at the kitchen counter.

"Because Edward told Bella about your kind of vampire and she might have questions" Carlisle explained.

That's when I remembered... edweirdo told a secret that wasn't his to tell. I'm gunna rip his balls off.

I calmed my anger down and smiled sweetly at the family.
"Ok." I said simply and started playing BitLife on my phone.

"Ok...?" questioned Emmett.

I glanced up at him to see him exchanging a look with Rosie. I just smiled at them; I suddenly smelt human blood letting me know that the blood singer was here.

"Bella we're making Italiano for you"I head esme say, I continued to play on my phone.

"Buongiorno" belly boo replied.

"Molto Bene" I heard esme say.

I tuned out the rest of the conversation until I head glass break making me look up too see a fuming Rosalie.

I quickly sped to her and held her hand.
"Calm down love" I whispered in her ear hoping to calm her which worked because I felt her slightly un tense.

She smiled a little at me and then proceeded to glare at the human.

I then locked eyes with Edward making sure to keep my thoughts to myself.

I smiled sweetly at him making him narrow his eyes at me.
"Can we chat. Just over there" I pointed to the other corner of the room.

He nodded slightly with an uneasy look.

I saw my mates give me a confused look but I just winked at them.

I calmly walked over to Edward and punched him in the face so hard it left cracks.
"That was for telling the walking blood bag about my secret. And this is just for being the annoying, invasive and constipated looking ass you are" I hissed at him.

I then proceeded to grab his crotch making his eyes widen and I used my strength to rip off his whole dick. I walked to my mates hearing him cry out in pain.

Once I reached them they were both trying not to laugh whilst the rest of the family looked at me disapprovingly.

I looked over at belly boo and saw her crying trying to help Edward up.

I laughed but soon shut up by the lust filled look both of my mates had.

I gulped as I was sped up to their room.

"Angry you is hot." Stated Emmett as Rosalie started kissing my neck.

I let out a moan as she found my sweet spot.

A/N sorry this is a bad written chapter in my opinion, but let me know what you think

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A/N sorry this is a bad written chapter in my opinion, but let me know what you think.

Do you guys want smut? ;)

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