【Chapter 34】

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Klaus went off to find Jeremy so he could give us his blood for Bonnie's locator spell, Rose and I stayed to watch Bonnie and made sure that she didn't do anything shifty.

"Here" Damon said walking in with a vile of blood.
"Jeremy made a little Gilbert blood donation for your locator spell"

"I have to do this with you guys hovering, I mean it's bad enough with those two" she motioned to the table Rosalie and I were sat on and I wiggled my fingers at her.

"You're still mad at me for what happened to Abby. Let me apologise. I'm sorry Elijah forced us to turn your mother into a vampire to save Elena's life, didn't exactly have a choice" he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.

"To save Elena's life. Always about the fucking doppelgänger" I scoffed and Rosie giggled.

"There's always a choice" Bonnie said ignoring me.
"Whenever you make one someone else suffers"

"Can't argue there Damon" I told him grinning as he glared at me.

"Let's cut the dramatics and begin shall we" my brother cut in.

Bonnie huffed and turned to the map on the table and poured the blood on it. She started chanting as I played with Rosie's hair, she had taken it out of the style I put in.

"Esther is fighting me." Bonnie said.

"Our mother couldn't possibly have this much power so she must be channeling something" I told them rolling my eyes.

"A hot spot" Bonnie questioned.

"Get the humans ready, I know where she is." Nik told Damon and Bonnie.

They all walked out of the room leaving Rosie and I, I looked at the phone that went off in her hand.

"Emmett has done packing" she told me.

"You didn't tell him about us being trapped right?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"No. Males are very possessive and protective of their mates, Emmett has two mates making him double the normal amount of possessive and protectiveness. He would only panic and come to the school which would be pointless since he can't get in and we can't get out" she told me kissing my cheek.

I smiled at her as my phone went off.

Nik: Come home. I'm going to undagger Rebekah. Mother is dead and the boundary spell is broken

I smiled and grabbed Rose's hand.

"Let's go" I told her as we walked out of the classroom and out of the school. I nodded to her and we both sped off towards the house.

I followed the sound of my brother talking and walked into a room as Rosalie went to my room to see Emmett.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked him and he smirked.

"The original bitch" he told me and I laughed glancing at my mother's body.

"She really gone?" I asked him and he glared down at her.

"Not likely. But for now yes" he told me and I sighed wrapping my arms around him as Bekah gasped awake.

"Bitch" she hissed.

I smirked at her and grabbed a blood bag off of the table and threw it to her.

"Thanks..." she trailed off looking at mothers body.

"What happened... all I remember was talking to mother and then nothing" she told us.

"Mother possessed your body and then tried to make Alaric into a vampire Hunter using his dark side" Nik told her.

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