【Chapter 32】

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The next day I woke up with both of my mates in next to me. I smiled at them and we cuddled for a few more minutes before we decided to get up.

I sighed remembering that the school dance was today and I really didn't wanna go but Bekah would most likely make me.

I put on one of Rosalie's shirts which she smile at because it's the first time I've worn her clothes.

I then put on some plain black leggings and a pair of white trainers just to be comfy before I had to dress up in heels and a dress for the rest of the night.

"Drea Emmett and I are going out for a while. Just to walk around, you wanna come?" Rose asked wrapping her arms around my waist from behind as I looked in the mirror.

"I need to talk to klaus about something but I'll see you later tonight at the dance at the highschool?" I asked her hopefully and she smiled.

"Actually we wanted to talk to you about going back to Alaska to stay with our family." She told me and I frowned.

"Your leaving?" I asked sadly.

"No baby. We want you to come with us, everyone misses you. Well Edward doesn't but that's to be expected" she told me making me laugh.

"Ah yes depressward. Still sulking over his blood singer?" I asked her and she growled at the mention of the clumsy danger magnet.

"Yes. He hardly talks to anyone and he goes off for weeks at a time only coming back to check Alice's mind to see if she's seen anything about Bella" she told me making me frown at the thought of him using my pixie like friend.

"I don't like your brother" I told her and she laughed.

"Me either. So will you come?" She asked

"Of course. When are we leaving?" I asked her turning to face her.

"Tomorrow?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah that's fine. Bekah will make me go to this dance and one of you or both of you will have to come with me as a date" I told her and she smiled.

"I'll come and Emmett can pack because he's a big strong man and shouldn't let women do all the work" she told me and we both grinned at Emmett's noise of protest.

"Hey! Aren't you both all about feminism stuff. Like your independent and don't need a man to do anything, therefore I should go as the date" he told us and I laughed.

"No I think Rosie should be my date. Emmett get packing" I told him watching his lips form into a pout.

I kissed Rosalie on the lips and walked over to him kissing his pout away. I then walked out of the room and downstairs to my brothers art studio where Bekah had just walked in wearing a questionable outfit.

That's not her style at all, I frowned catching Nik's eye and he gave me a look telling me he could see it too.

"What took you so long?" He asked her making me confused as I sat down on the couch.

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake" she told him which lessened my confusion.
"Luckily I'm quite the charmer" she told him pulling out said stake.

"That's it?" Nik asked happily.

"The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us" she said to us.
"Do you want to do the honours?" She asked Nik handing him the stake.

He happily took it and threw it into the fireplace.
"Well that's that then. What are we going to do now that all the drama is over?" I asked Nik sarcastically and he smiled.

"Pack your bags we're leaving" he told us.

"Today?" Bekah questioned.

"Why not there's nothing keeping us here, well except Drea's company but they are welcome to join. We can grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset" he said, I went to tell him I'm already leaving but Bekah beat me to it.

"But tonight's the decade dance" she protested.

"So?" Nik asked.

"I'm head of the committee we have to go" Bekah said to him.

"I'm not going to any dance" he told her sternly.

"Nikky. Caroline will be there tonight, don't you want to see your lovely girlfriend" I asked him smiling teasingly.

He glared at me.
"She means nothing to me"

I scoffed knowing that was most definitely not true.

"Please? I have big plans for tonight, just go for me?" She asked him with her puppy eyes.

"Ok fine" he sighed.
"One last hurrah"

"One last hurrah Nik." She agreed before walking out.

"Brother I am actually planning on going to Alaska with my mates to see their family" I told him and he looked sad.

I stood up and walked in front of him, I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I will call you everyday but I really miss my friends" I told him referring to Alice, Jasper, Carlisle and Esme.

He nodded against my shoulder.
"I will miss you" he told me showing vulnerability.

"I will miss you too big brother" I told him before breaking the hug, he smiled softly at me and kissed the top of my head before getting back to his painting.

"I will miss you too big brother" I told him before breaking the hug, he smiled softly at me and kissed the top of my head before getting back to his painting

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A/N I'm thinking about future mate pairings so comment some ideas if you don't like these:

Rebekah x Edward
Kol x Jane
Caroline x Klaus

Soulmates of an original (Rosalie and Emmett ) Where stories live. Discover now