【Chapter 58】

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The next day everyone was packing to go and find witnesses. Esme and Carlisle are going off to find their friends and convince them to witness. Rosalie and Emmett are also leaving.

I haven't seen Jasper and Alice yet. And I've decided to stay here because I want to be here to greet my family, I'm also staying to look after Nessie with Jacob, we might be going to the Denalis tomorrow but I'm not sure yet.

Suddenly Jacob came in with a backpack making me raise my brow from where I was sat on the floor playing a game of monopoly with Nessie.
"Alright let's get this show on the road..." he trailed off looking outside at something.

He walked outside and we all followed him to see Sam holding a piece of paper.
He handed the note to Carlisle.
"Alice asked me to give you that"

"She and Jasper crossed our lands to the ocean last night" he explained.

"Carlisle?" Esme asked worriedly.

Carlisle glanced at his mate and sighed.
"They've left us"

"Why?" Rosalie asked from my side.

"She didn't say" he replied.

"Let me see" I said and he handed me the note.

'Gather as many witnesses as you can before the snow sticks to the ground. That's when they'll come.

I furrowed my brows and turned the note over noticing that it was a page ripped out of 'The merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare.  I recognised the page because I had a book in Rosalie, Emmett and I's house.

I'll look for it later, if this bitch destroyed my book instead of writing on a piece of paper I will kill her.


The next day Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett had left the house so it was just Jacob, Renesmee, Edward and I.

I decided to try and get the Denali's to witness for us so I woke renesmee up and got her dressed. I gave her some juice with a little blood in it and I made some pancakes.

I then made Jacob and myself some bacon.

After we were all ready I got into the passenger side since Edward insisted that he drives. Jacob and renesmee sat in the back.

We drove the long way to Alaska, and I mean it was a really long drive. We didn't arrive to the next day. It didn't take as long as some people due to the fact that Edward didn't need to sleep so he could keep driving.

We parked the car a little bit away from the house so that they didn't see renesmee to early and freak out.

Edward got out first to talk to the Denali's Kate locked eyes with me and smiled, I smiled at her back and she looked at Edward.

"Why isn't Andrea coming to hug her bestie. What did you do to her?" Kate asked eyeing Edward suspiciously, making me laugh quietly.

"I didn't do anything to her!" Edward huffed.

"And why the hell do you have a wolf with you?! I can smell him from here" she carried on and I grinned.

Edward looked back at me and nodded his head. I turned and smiled softly at renesmee.
"Hey come on. Let's go meet some new people." I said and she slightly pouted at me.

"What if they don't like me?" Nessie asked worriedly.

I smiled softly at her.
"They will love you sweetie"

"They will" Jacob agreed.

"Once they understand you. They haven't met anyone like you before" I reassured her.

I got out of the car allowing Jacob to carry Nessie. He walked behind me and the Denali's gasped in fear and took several steps back.

"The volturi will come for all of us" Kate said fearfully.

"You get that thing out of here!" Tanya told Edward.

"She's not what she looks like" Edward protested.

"This is a crime!" Tanya said lunging at Edward, he blocked he attack and threw her to the ground Kate then tried to electrocute Edward and I cringed.

I sped forward and grabbed her arm wincing at the electricity flowing into my body, she immediately let go of me not wanting to hurt me.

Tanya and Kate then went to attack Nessie and Jacob and I clenched my jaw.

"Hurt that child and I will kill you best friend or not" I told her and she backed down looking slightly scared, Kate then grabbed her sisters arm stopping her.

"She had blood in her veins, you can feel her warmth" Edward told them.

"I can feel it" carmen said.

"I'm her biological father. Bella was her mother" he told them.

"Impossible." Kate said.

"Kate. Your not blind, the kids right here and she looks like Bella put two and two together and don't act dense it doesn't suit you" I told her and she glared at me.

"Bella gave birth to her when she was human" Edward said ignoring my little comments.

"I've never heard of such a thing" Eleazar commented.

"She can show you if you let her" Edward said.

We turned back and I nodded at Jacob, he started walking with Nessie towards us and the other vampires tensed.

"Tanya you owe us this much, we're all under a death sentence because your sister didn't let us explain" Edward said.

Nessie went to put her hand on Tanya's cheek but she flinched away.

"Relax. It's how she communicates" I told her, and Nessie showed her, the birth and all the memories she has with us.

"It's true" she breathed.
"She's not immortal".

After all the tension had disappeared kate hugged me.
"Missed you" she told me and I smiled.

"Missed you too Katie" I said and she pouted.

"I hate that name" she whined.

Jacob took renesmee back to the car as the Denali's packed some clothes and essentials to take back to the Cullens house.

"So where's Bella?" Tanya asked as we sat in their living room.

"She left. She used us all to become a vampire and then she just left" I told her and her eyes widened.

"She just left her child and her mate?" She asked in shock.

"Edward wasn't her mate. But yes she didn't even look at Nessie before she left, she didn't even meet her" I told her with sadness suddenly feeling very sick at the thought.

"Excuse me" I said speeding into their bathroom just in time to reach the toilet where I threw up. I felt someone holding my hair back and stroking my back.

"Are you alright?" My best friend asked.

I nodded and wiped my mouth.
"Just felt a little sick" I told her and she gave me a sceptical look but helped me off of the floor.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes I'm fine. Let's go" I told her.

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