【Chapter 5】

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After I had told the cullens my life story I walked off into the woods with Rosalie and Emmett.

They said they wanted to go hunting but I'm just trying to find a way to break it to them that I don't drink animal blood.

After they had hunted for a while they looked at me expectantly.

"I- well you see.... I don't drink animal blood" I said nervously.

"What?!" They both exclaimed.

"I would but I don't like the taste... and it makes me weaker" I told them hoping that they would understand.

"Do you kill the people you drink from?" Asked Rosie.

"No. I can just drink a little then compel them so they don't remember"

She nodded. I let out a breath, I'm glad she's accepting me.

We walked through the forest until we found a river, we decided to sit down.

"It's beautiful here" I stated

"Yeah we sometimes come here to get away from our brother Edward when he starts whining about Bella" Emmett snickered.

I looked at him confused.
"Who's Bella? His mate?"

I heard a scoff and I looked to my other side at rose and raised an eyebrow.

"No she's his blood singer, he's meant to kill her but he's obsessed with the fact that he can't read her mind"

Read her mind? I was shocked, that's actually really cool! How can he do that?

"Read her mind?" I asked.

"Oh- some of our type of vampire have gifts, for example Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future based on people decisions, Carlisle has amazing control over his bloodlust and Jasper can feel and control peoples emotions" she explained.

I nodded still a little shocked.

I was just about to speak when my phone rang. I rolled my eyes and looked at the screen. Instantly my mood brightened.

I quickly answered.
"Hi day!" My mates looked at me confused as to who he was.

"Hi nice twinny! I haven't spoken to you in a few months"

"Yeah I missed you loads! Where are you?" I asked him

"Well I'm currently trying to stop the doppelgänger my brother is infatuated with from getting killed by your brother for some type of curse" he explained causing me to let out a laugh.

"Really? He's still pining over Elena. God. She is playing you both can't he see that?"

"Yeah I know I've already told him about the times she's tried to kiss me but he never believes me because I'm apparently the bad brother"

"Hey day?" I asked

"Yes nice twinny?"

"If you need to get away for a big I have plenty of room" I told him with a grin

"Oh my god! Please. I can't stand her incessant whining anymore"

I laughed.
"Ok well I'm currently in a place called forks in Washington. When are you arriving?" I asked.

"Probably sometime tomorrow. Thank you for this"

"It's honestly fine day"

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"Ok bye" I hung up and looked towards my mates who were obviously listening and are looking a little jealous.

"Who was that?" Emmett's jaw was clenched making me smirk.

"My lover" I answered jokingly but apparently he didn't get that bit because suddenly my back was to a tree and both of my mates were kissing my neck and touching me.

"Mine!" They growled.

I moaned as rose found my pulse point on my neck.

"Yours" I told them.

They calmed down a little but didn't stop attacking my neck.

"It was just a joke I promise he's my best friend" I told them a little breathless as they finally let go of my neck.

"Better be joking" rose mumbled.

"Your ours" Emmett said.

Honestly that whole thing that just happened was hot, I've never been more turned on in my life.

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