【Chapter 17】

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A/N I got bored so I decided to write another chapter for today lol. Next one will be posted tomorrow!

I parked the car in the drive way and got out, I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door taking a deep breath.

I walked inside and to the living area, I saw klaus sitting in the living room next to Elijah.
"Hello brothers" I announced my arrival.

"Your back" Klaus said smiling, he got up and hugged me.

"Yes I am. But not for long, just a few weeks" I told him and his face dropped.

"Why can't you stay?" He questioned.

"No reason, I just kinda like it in forks" I said shrugging keeping my face neutral, not giving away anything. I didn't want Klaus to know I had mates, I've seen what he's done when Rebekah falls in love.

Luckily I never had the misfortune of falling in love over the years so I didn't want Klaus to ruin it for me now.

Elijah came up to me and hugged me.
"Welcome back sister" he said.

"Klaus needs to tell you something" Elijah said walking out.

I looked over at Klaus who was glaring at Elijah.
"You might want to sit down Drea" he said nervously.

"What did you do?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"I lied to you" he said avoiding eye contact.

"About what?" I glared.

"Mother's death." He whispered but I heard him.

"What about mother's death?" I said my eyes gathering tears at remembering my mother. She might have been a bitch to us sometimes and let mikael abuse us but she was my mother.

"I-I killed her not mikael" Nik said swallowing, he looked up at me when I hadn't said anything and his eyes widened at the tears running down my cheeks.

"W-why?" I gasped out.

"M-mother, bound my werewolf side. She lied to me, she let mikael kill my real father. She let mikael abuse us. I was angry, I lashed out" he said in tears.

I walked over to him and he flinched expecting me to attack him but I sat down beside him.

"I loved mother. But she did do a lot of horrible things to us. And I-I forgive you Niklaus" I told him looking in his eyes.

He hugged me tight and let his tears flow down his face.
"I-I'm sorry!" He muttered.

"I know you are. Your my brother, I could never hate you. I am angry and disappointed that you didn't tell me sooner but I love you" I told him.

"I love you to Drea" he said.

"I love you to Drea" he said

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