【Chapter 40】

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Over the next few days Edward had agued with Jacob about Bella... yep we got the wolves to help reluctantly might I add.

The Cullens had taken turnes guarding Bella's house, I only showed up when Emmett and Rosalie were there because I didn't really want to guard the blood singer. I didn't mind watching over Charlie because he's quite a nice man who doesn't deserve the shit his daughter puts him through.

I sat in the living room of the Cullens house watching the news report on the tv screen.

"Seattle is in a state of terror! Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances, theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer. Reporting live fro-"

Carlisle turned off the tv as Bella and Edward entered the room, Emmett sat on the couch back as I sat on the couch like a normal person, between his legs.

"It's getting worse. We're going to have to do something" Carlisle said.

"It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting, quite a few more. And they're undisciplined, conspicuous" Jasper explained.

"It's newborns" Edward said reading his mind.

"What like new vampires?" Bella whined with a curious look in her eye.

"The first few months after the change" Edward told her.

"That's when we're at our most uncontrollable, vicious. Insane with thirst." Jasper continued.

"Something to look forward too" Emmett teased Bella who looked excited at the thought of becoming a vampire.

I hit is leg for the comment and he groaned.

"No ones trained these newborns, but this isn't random." Jasper said clearly being reminded of something.

"Someone's creating an army." Carlisle connected the dots.

"Now we're definitely going to Seattle" Emmett said excited at the thought of fighting, I smiled fondly at him and he lent down and kissed me lightly.

"An army of vampires?" Bella breathed looking a little power hungry if you ask me.

"And they've been created to fight someone" Jasper said.

"We're the only clan even close to Seattle" Edward said confused. I rolled my eyes already knowing who they were after. Bloody Bella.

I groaned but they ignored me.

"Regardless of why they were made if we don't put a stop to them the volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long" Carlisle said.

I tuned out the conversation and pulled out my phone.

Drea: Wanna fight some baby cold ones?

Kol: A fight? How exciting. I'm dealing with some things in mystic falls. Come pick me up sister ;)

I grinned at the text very much looking forward to this fight if my twin brother would be there with me.

I tuned back into the conversation.

"An army could solve that for him" Jasper said leaving me confused as to who they were talking about.

"Well I've got to go pick up someone who can help us" I told them getting up from the couch.

"Who?" Emmett asked me and I grinned at him.

"My twin brother. He loves a fight" I told him kissing him goodbye.
"Tell Rose I'll be back in a few days. I'm going to pick him up from mystic falls" I told him and he nodded as I sped out the house and back to mine.

I packed a few clothes and some essentials before getting into my black Lamborghini.
I grinned as I sped off towards mystic falls.


As I arrived in mystic falls it was already dark and I stopped at the family mansion and noticed everyone was out. I sped upstairs and dropped my bag onto my bed, I then took my phone out.

Drea: Where r u? I'm here

I texted kol and he replied back almost instantly.

Kol: I'm at the Gilberts house I'm talking to Elena. She wanted to talk to me about Silas but she's being shifty come here incase it goes sideways.

I sighed and walked downstairs and out the front door, I then sped to the Gilberts house and stayed outside. I used my hearing to listen for anything that could pose a threat to my brother.

I heard some banging of doors in the house and I also heard gun shots. I waited a little longer because it sounded like my brother was winning.

It went quiet for a while as I heard my brother ask about an... arm? Weird.

I heard my brother cry out in pain and I started waking closer to the house, I think kol could hear my heartbeat.

"DREA!" He yelled for me and I immediately sped into the house, I frowned in confusion when I didn't get stopped by an invisible barrier but shrugged it off as my brother needed help.

I saw him being sprayed by vervain and then the doppelgänger threw her brother the stake, before he could plunge it into his heart I grabbed his arm and took the stake from him as he watched me in shock.

I threw him to the other corner of the room and snapped the doppelgängers neck. I then grabbed my brothers fragile form and sped back to the mansion.

I gently put him down in the couch as he healed, he laughed in relief at me.
I let a few tears slide down my cheek as I lay down next to him holding him tightly.

"T-they nearly killed you" I cried and he held me tighter.

"I know. And you saved me. Thank you" he said to me, I kissed his cheek.

"I love you koala" I said using his childhood nickname.

"I love you too Dreamy" he smiled as he picked me up and sped us too my room.

"I'm glad you didn't die" I told him and he laughed.

"I'm glad you saved me. Now get some sleep and we'll leave tomorrow to go fight some baby cold ones" he told he grinning. I smiled softly at him as he kissed the top of my head and walked out of my room.

A/N I mean obviously I'm gunna save Kol! He's way too handsome to die and defiantly didn't deserve those assholes killing him

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A/N I mean obviously I'm gunna save Kol! He's way too handsome to die and defiantly didn't deserve those assholes killing him.

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