【Chapter 31】

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After I had eventually cried myself to sleep I slept peacefully in the arms of my mates who both stayed with me all night to make sure I wouldn't wake up without at least one of them.

My eyes opened and locked with gold. I smiled softly at Emmett who was stroking my cheek smiling at me. He'd gotten dressed but climbed back into bed with me.

I noticed the absence of my other beautiful mate and frowned.
"Where's Rosie?" I asked him.

"She is making you breakfast downstairs. Your sister went to school and your brother is out searching for your mother." He told me and I nodded before smirking.

"Shower with me?" I asked innocently.

He motioned to his clothes.
"I'm already dressed" he told me and I pouted walking into the bathroom and sighing dramatically.

"I'll be waiting in the kitchen for you princess" he said grinning as I huffed.

After my shower I got dressed into a blue loose shirt and some black ripped jeans, I paired it with a black leather jacket and some ankle boots.

I styled my hair in curls and put on some light makeup before walking downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen where I saw Rosalie and Emmett sitting at the counter, Rose was reading a fashion magazine whilst Emmett was playing a game on his phone. I saw the plate of food in the middle of them and smiled before sitting there.

"Thanks Rosie" I said before starting to eat.

"Your welcome" she said kissing my cheek.


We didn't really do much for the rest of the day, Rosalie and Emmett decided to go hunting because we had ran out of animal blood bags and I decided to read in the house library.

I was nearly through a new book I'd been reading when I heard mother and Rebekah talking, I immediately sped over to them just in time to see mother hold Bekah's hands and collapse. I frowned as her face became emotionless for a second as she looked at the body.

Soon after me my brother came into the room and stared at the body of our mother.

"What's going on?" He asked both of us, I shrugged.

"She's dead" Bekah told us simply.
I frowned knowing that she wouldn't usually be so emotionless when it comes to the death of someone she loves.

"Bex? You ok?" I asked her.

"Of course" she told me before walking out making me frown.

"Nik..." I stared before he cut me off.

"I know" he told me before walking off himself.

I sighed in exasperation and walked up to my room, I face planted the bed and groaned.

I sighed in exasperation and walked up to my room, I face planted the bed and groaned

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A/N sorry this one is short it's kind of a filler.

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