【Chapter 13】

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We all formed a sort of defensive line as the three nomadic vampires stopped in front of us keeping at a non threatening distance.

The one in the middle with darker skin who looked to bee the leader held the baseball up.
"I believe this belongs to you"

He threw the ball towards Carlisle who caught it.
"Thank you."

"I am Laurent" he introduced himself before pointing to the red haired woman.
"And this is Victoria" she smirked slightly.
"And James"

I saw James having an intense staring contest with Edward making me raise a brow, weird.

"I'm Carlisle, this is my mate esme and the rest of our coven. Jasper and his mate Alice, Edward and his mate Bella and Emmett and his mates Rosalie and Andrea" he introduced us.

"Hello" Laurent said politely

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." Carlisle said calmly.

"Our apologies" the leader said sincerely whilst James shifted his gaze to Bella and inspected her.
"We didn't realise the territory had been claimed"

I didn't know that's how these type of vampires work, ours just kind of go where ever they want even if they are not welcome.

"Yes well we maintain a permanent residence nearby" Carlisle told them.

The three looked amused.
"Really" Laurent laughed.

"Well we won't be a problem anymore we were just passing through." He said indicating they were going to leave today.

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east you should be safe" Victoria added looking proud of herself.

Carlisle smiled slightly.

"So... could you use three more players?" Laurent asked with a smile.

Carlisle have him a deadpanned look as I rose a brow, he saw these looks and chuckled.

"Oh come on. Just one game" he tried to convince us.

I got an idea so I spoke up.
"Sure a few of us were just about to leave anyways" I said talking about Edward and Bella.

"Yeah, we'll bat first" Carlisle added and threw the ball to Laurent but Victoria caught it.

"I'm the one with the wicked curveball" she said smirking.

"Well I think we can handle that" Jasper smirked.

We all went to get into our positions but James stayed still for a couple more seconds looking at Bella. As he went to walk away wind blew and bella's scent could be smelt a lot stronger than before.

I heard him take a deep breath before turning towards her.
"You brought a snack" he stated smirking.

We all sped in front of her bearing our teeth, the veins under my eyes could now be seen.
"A human?!" Laurent asked

"She's with us. I think you should leave now." I told him. They still didn't move so I took a step forward.

"Have you heard of the Mikaelson?" I asked them.

Victoria shook her head but Laurent paled a little making me smirk.
"I'm an original. You don't want to mess with me" I told them looking at Laurent who instantly backed off making Victoria do the same.

He tried to get James to back up but he would budge.

"I apologise, we'll go now" he said putting his hands up to show he meant to harm. He was scared of what I'd do to him if he went against me, wise choice.

"James" he warned when the blonde wouldn't back off.

Finally James got out of his defensive position and wrapped an arm around who I'm assuming is his mate and he inhaled her scent to try and calm down.

They all walked off together so I let my face go back to normal. I felt someone intertwine both of my hands with theirs and I looked to see Emmett and Rosalie.

They smiled at me and we sped back to the cullens house.

They smiled at me and we sped back to the cullens house

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