【Chapter 51】

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Third person pov

The days went by and Andrea still remained desicated. The Cullens haven't had any access to animal blood because they needed to protect Bella. And they haven't been able to spare any human blood because Bella was the one who got to consume all the human blood they had because of the baby.

One night whilst Bella was sharing her baby name ideas she unfortunately broke her back, resulting in the baby having to be born. Carlisle, who was supposed to deliver the baby had gone out to hunt so that he could resist the temptation of human blood during the birth.

Edward had to cut the baby out of Bella, once the baby was born Edward had bitten Bella and injected her with his venom to save her. She was currently in transition.

Andrea had missed the small fight against the wolves which had ended quite quickly due to the fact that Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee. (a/n idk how u spell it? Resume?)

Carlisle had managed to finally go to the hospital to get human blood so that they can wake Andrea.

The Cullens brought her to the living room and lay her down on the couch. Alice took Jasper out of the house due to the fact that he can feel everyone else's blood lust.

Carlisle proceeded to open the blood bag allowing the blood to flow out and onto Andreas lips. Her vampire face came out as she snatched the bag and drained it whilst her skin turned back to normal and she gained basic functions again.

Carlisle backed away from her as she spotted the other 4 blood bags on the table and immediately reached for them. She drained all 4 managing to satisfy her hunger enough so that she could look around and acknowledge the people around her.

Andrea pov

I looked around and saw Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie and Emmett surrounding me.
"What happened?" I asked them.

"Bella had the baby and Jacob imprinted so the wolves were unable to harm her." Carlisle explained.

"Where's Bella? And the baby?" I asked them.

"Bella is in transition and Edward has renesmee" he told her.

My face scrunched up when I heard the name.
"I hate that name" I told them bluntly and my mates laughed whilst Carlisle gave me a disapproving look.

"We'll leave you guys to catch up" Esme said grabbing Carlisles arm and leading him out the room.

My mates sat down on either side of me and embraced me.
"I was so worried. Are you ok?" Rose asked.

"I'm fine Rosie. I was awake so I could hear things but not much. And I was just hungry" I told her leaning towards her and kissing her softly.

"I'm glad your alright now" Emmett said and I smiled kissing him too.

"Me too"


The next day after Edward had made sure that my hunger was under control, he allowed me to meet renesmee.

I was shocked at how big she had gotten in a few days. She didn't look like a newborn. She looked about a month old.

Edward placed her in my arms gently and I smiled at her.
"Hi. I'm your auntie Drea" I said to her and she gave me a gummy smile making me think that she was more intelligent than most baby's.

"Your so cute" I said in a baby voice as I held my finger out to her, which she grabbed.

She moved her other hand up to my face making me confused. I was sucked into a sort of vision where she showed me her birth and a few memories of Rosalie caring for her.
I smiled.

"Aren't you smart" I said to her.

I looked up at Rosalie and she smiled sitting beside me.
"She's adorable isn't she?" She asked me stroking the baby's head.

"Yeah. So adorable, shame your mummy didn't give you a very good name isn't it" I said in a baby voice making renesmee giggle.

 So adorable, shame your mummy didn't give you a very good name isn't it" I said in a baby voice making renesmee giggle

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A/N Sorry it's short again! The next chapter will be eventful lol

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