【Chapter 37】

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I was lying in my bed with Rosalie and Emmett whilst we watched tv. It was pretty late but I wasn't tired.

"I can't believe Bella is being turned" I said for the tenth time making Emmett groan.

"Baby you've said that like a thousand times" he whined at me.

"But it's so unbelievable she's not even Edwards mate. Why can we just kill her? He doesn't love her he's obsessed with her" I told him.

"He thinks she's his mate though." Emmett said.

"Yeah but she's not" I reminded him making him sigh, I hear Rosalie laugh making me grin at her.

Suddenly my phone went off and I saw it was Nik calling.

"Hey Nik" I greeted him.

"I can't decided where I should take Caroline on a date" he said frantically making me grin.

"Finally figured it out?" I asked him.

"Well... if your talking about the mate bond, I already knew when I met her but she was a new vampire so couldn't really tell what the bond was. I explained it to her and she looked happy" he told me.

"Good. And I think Caroline wouldn't want to go to a big fancy restaurant so maybe take her on a walk at night and do something fun like go to an amusement park" I told him grinning.

"Thank you sister. What about the movies?" He asked.

"Well you could go but it's a first date where your supposed to talk and get to know each other and you can't really do that at the movies." I told him.

"Ok I'll figure something out. Thanks for helping me Drea" he said before hanging up.

I placed my phone on the bedside table and grinned.
"Finally" I sighed out making my mates laugh.

I saw Rosalie share a look with Emmett and I rose a brow.
"What?" I asked them.

"We were thinking..." Emmett started.

"We've been together for a while now, and we already got in contact with your brother and asked him for permission" Rose continued.

"What? Permission? Which brother?" I asked them thoroughly confused.

"Kol. We never met him but we got his number out of your phone and asked him something very important" Emmett told me.

He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, my eyes widened.

"We asked him for permission to marry you and he said he would allow it as long as we promise never to hurt you" Emmett continued.

"So will you marry us?" He asked and I smiled widely and launched myself at him kissing him hard.

I then broke away and kissed Rose.

"Yes!" I grinned as he took the ring and slid it onto my left hand.

A/N Sorry it's a short chapter! I wanted them to get engaged before Eclipse actually begins lol

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A/N Sorry it's a short chapter! I wanted them to get engaged before Eclipse actually begins lol.

The ring:

The ring:

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