【Chapter 56】

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We stayed in London for about a month just because if I did get pregnant then we could go back home with a surprise. But unfortunately I didn't get pregnant.

Which is really surprising because Rosalie Emmett and I went at it like bunnies. We didn't stop; we've had sex everyday since we've been here.

Sometimes it would just be Emmett and I since Rosalie actually wanted to go outside and shop. But other times she would join us. Sometimes we would go out shopping with her though.

We packed all of our bags last night so we were ready to get on the plane and fly back to port- Angeles.


We arrived at the airport in Port- Angeles after a 8 hour flight, we collected out luggage from baggage claim and got into the cab.

The cab driver dropped us off in the drive way of our house. We payed her and walked to the door. I grabbed my keys out of my bag and unlocked it.

"Home sweet home" I sighed as Emmett dragged mine and Rosalie's cases in.

"You could have helped" he pouted.

I grinned at him and Rosie smirked.
"We're girls Emmett. Your stronger" I told him and he huffed.

"I thought you guys were feminists. Your meant to be empowering women not admitting were stronger" he said to us and I laughed.

"I'm getting déjà vu from that time we made you pack our bags." I said laughing.

"Oh yeah. I remember that, we danced at that school thing where we got trapped by your mother" Rosalie said and I nodded.

I saw Emmett was about to protest again.
"Shut up Emmett" I said to him before speeding away ignoring his protests.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and saw Alice was calling me. I pressed answer and before I said anything she started talking.

"I just saw a vision of you arriving back! So come to the house" she said before hanging up making me huff.

"Come on we're going to the in-laws!" I yelled making Emmett and Rose laugh.

I walked outside to the garage and opened it, I saw my silver Audi and grabbed the keys. I then unlocked it and got inside. Once I started the engine I beeped the horn making Rosalie and Emmett hurry up.

We drove to the Cullens house where I parked in the driveway, as soon as I got out I saw a little brown haired girl running towards me and gasped.

I caught her in my arms my eyes still wide in shock.
"Hi auntie ree!" She squealed.

"You- you! Your big!" I said in shock making her giggle.

She looked to be about 4 years old. I missed so much, I'm never leaving again.

"I grew!" She said cuddling into me as he held her on my hip.

"You did. You can talk and walk now too" I said in shock.

"Yeah!" She started to play with my hair as I walked towards the house, Rosalie and Emmett had already went inside.

Once I got inside Alice shoved a phone in my face where I saw a video of smaller Renesmee walking.
"That's her first steps" she said and I smiled softly watching as the smaller Nessie stumbled over to Esme.

The video ended and Alice stuffed the phone back in her pocket.
"Her first word was banana" she told me and I grinned.

"You still love bananas!" I said tickling the girl in my arms making her giggle.

"I love 'narnas" she squealed.

"Good" I grinned carrying her to the living room where Rosalie and Emmett were sitting.

"Go say hello to Auntie Rosie and uncle Emmy. You haven't even looked at them" I teased her and she pouted.

"Your my favourite. Don't anyone" she whispered in my ear and I grinned.

"Your secrets safe with me" I said holding my pinky out and she linked hers with mine before walking over to Rosalie and Emmett. She crawled onto Rosie's lap and started talking to them.

I walked over to where Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Jasper were sitting and sat next to them.
"So what have we missed?" I asked them.

"We told Charlie that Bella left Edward and went away to travel. And that she didn't tell us where she was going" Carlisle explained.

"Charlie thinks Edward did something to Bella to make her run away like with what happened in Italy" Esme added.

"Renesmee has been growing a lot. I think in another month she will look to be about 5 or 6" Carlisle added.

"She's growing too fast. What if she died of old age" I said worriedly.

"Don't worry. I'm going to call around and see if any of my friends have heard about anything like this happening" he reassured me.

"Auntie Ree! Will you play with me" Nessie said running up to me with a doll in her hand making me smile.

"Sure. Come on you can show me your new room" I said knowing that if she had grown this much then she would have needed a new everything in her room since most of the stuff we got was for a baby.

 Come on you can show me your new room" I said knowing that if she had grown this much then she would have needed a new everything in her room since most of the stuff we got was for a baby

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