【Chapter 46】

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It's been exactly a month since Emmett, Rosalie and I decided to elope and it's been great. We had our honeymoon in Italy where we did a lot of 'fun activities' in many different places.

We were now back at the Cullens house even though we had decided to move into my house. Bella and Edward are getting married tomorrow and everyone is helping decorate the garden. I obviously refused to help because I don't like her. Edward is warming up to me, I don't like him but I don't totally dislike him.

I'm currently smirking at Bella who is trying to walk in heels, I hope she falls over and breaks her neck.

"You just have to break them in" Alice told her and I scoffed.

"Yeah" Bella said agreeing.

"She's never going to be able to walk in them." I told Alice who slightly smiled.

"She will have to learn. She's not going bare foot!" Alice told me laughing.

"It's a little much." Bella commented.
"The dress and the shoes, all of this." She gestured to the decorations making me look at her in confusion.

"Bella the dress is simple like you and the shoes are nice but your right you don't suit them. The decorations are also not as much as your thinking of. I think it's a rather small wedding. It's just family and a few friends" I told her and she cringed looking around.

Is it just me or does it seem like she doesn't want this wedding?

"Drea!" Alice scolded me and I shrugged.
"It's exactly enough and tomorrow will be perfect!"

Suddenly Emmett came around carrying a log and I smirked at him, he looked sexy.

"Where do you want them boss?" He asked Alice sarcastically making me giggle.

"On either side of the isle" she responded as Rosalie walked after Emmett also carrying a large log.

"What isle?!" Rosalie retorted.

"Does no one have vision?!" Alice exclaimed.

"Alice, your the only one who actually gets visions" I told her and she scoffed.

"That's no excuse!" She said walking after Emmett and Rosalie.

Bella looked over at me and I glared at her making her look away. Alice walked back over to us and pointed at Bella.
"You. Go home and get lots of beauty sleep, that's an order" Alice said.

"Like that will help" I said quietly.

"Okay" Bella responded before hugging Alice goodbye.


The next morning I woke up to someone stroking my cheek, I smiled slightly, leaning to the touch.

"Come on baby let's get ready for this stupid wedding" I heard Rosalie say.

I groaned making her laugh as I opened my eyes.
"I don't wanna" I whined.

"Neither do I but we might as well get it over with. Look I picked up your dress that matches mine. Bella wanted us to wear them, I think there ugly" she told me holding up a purple dress.

I grimaced and then looked at her.
"It is very ugly but you still managed to look beautiful" I told her and she smiled softly at me before kissing me lightly.

"Come on get ready" she said leaving the dress on the bed.
"I'm going to try and be nice to Bella for Edwards sake."

I nodded as she left the room.

After I had gotten dressed, put my make up on and styled my hair I walked out of the room.

I walked outside and saw Emmett so I went over to him.
"Hi baby" he greeted me pulling me into his side and kissing me softly.

"Hi" I giggled looking around, I locked eyes with Kate and grinned pulling away from Emmett.

"Hey! No" he pouted as I walked quickly towards Kate.

I hugged her tightly.
"Hey bestie" I greeted and she laughed.

"Hey. So Bella is still alive?" She questioned and I wiped a fake tear pulling back from the hug.

"Sadly" I pouted.

She laughed as Esme came over to us and started talking to the three sisters, I used my hearing to pick up an interesting conversation from the humans making me nudge Kate and smirk.

"They have got to be related." Eric said staring.

"What a gene pool" Mike commented.

"Seriously" Eric agreed.

"You've got some...drool" Jessica told Mike who scoffed.

"So, do you think Bella's gonna be showing?" Jessica asked Angela making me laugh quietly.

"Oh god. She thinks Bella's pregnant" I told Kate who let out a loud laugh earning some looks from the guests.

"What the Virgin Edward knocked her up?" She questioned making me laugh loudly.

I held my hand out for a high-five which she gladly gave me.

I heard the music start so I made my way over to Emmett and Rosalie and sat down with them.

We watched as Bella walked down the small isle looking awkward as hell. I rolled my eyes at her and looked over at Edward who had a small smile on his face.


During the after party I mostly hung out with Kate whilst occasionally dancing with Emmett and Rosalie. The speeches were very awkward however I thought Emmett's and Jessica's speeches were both funny. You could tell Jessica was very jealous of Bella which confused me immensely.

I saw Edward walk back into the party without Bella making me furrow my brows. I walked out to the edge of the house and peeked around the corner and saw Bella full on making out with Jacob. My jaw dropped.

Bitch... why would you get married right now if your going to cheat.

I rolled my eyes choosing to tell Edward when he got back from his honeymoon because he looked genuinely happy before and I didn't want to take that away from him.

I walked back outside with everyone else who was waiting to wave the new married couple off.

I glared at Bella as she said goodbye to her parents.

"Why are you glaring?" Kate asked me coming to stand beside me.

"Bella was making out with Jacob a hour after her wedding" I whispered to her so low that nobody else would hear.

She gaped at me.
"Are you sure?!" She asked me.

"I saw"

"What a slut"

"What a slut"

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