【Chapter 21】

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After our mother had made an unexpected arrival at our house, I went to bed.

I was so tired between the family drama and blood-singer drama and then having to drive all they way here, I just wanted to go to sleep.

I walked into my room and changed into some pyjamas, I then got into bed. Before I could fall asleep I hear a knock at the door, I groaned and got up to open it.

I saw my twin brother standing there with a grin on his face, he invited himself in obviously.

I scoffed.
"Please come in" I said sarcastically.

He grinned at me and sat on my bed. I sat next to him and he wrapped an arm around me.

"Soo twinny. What's new?" he asked me.

"I'm going to tell you something that's happened in my life but you can't tell Nik or anyone else" I told him sternly.

He nodded.
"I mean it kol. I'm invoking our super secret twin connection promise" I told him referring to a thing we made up when we were children that we would use to ensure the other twin never told anyone else our secrets ever.

"I promise Drea" he said sincerely.

"I found my mates" I told him and his eyes widened.

"Mates?! Plural?" He asked still in a phase of shock.

"Yes there names are Rosalie and Emmett and I love them very much" I told him and he nodded seeing I was happy when talking about them because I had a small smile.

"I won't tell anyone. But I wanna meet them" he grinned thinking of ways that he could threaten them.

"Kol." I warned.

"What? Your my twin. It's my job to threaten any potential lovers that you may have" he told me grinning.

"Fine. But you better not hurt them, also I should probably tell you they are cold ones" I told him and he pulled a face.

"What the fuck is a cold one?" He asked completely confused and I laughed.

"Vampires. But they don't burn in the sun, they sparkle" he let out a snort.
"And they can't eat, or sleep and they're basically frozen. They don't have a heartbeat either" I told him and he nodded.

"So there dead basically" he said and I nodded.

"We're technically dead but I guess these vampires are more dead" I told him and he laughed.

Eventually kol left my room and I finally snuggled into the sheets and fell asleep.

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