【Chapter 4】

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I sighed and squeezed roses hand looking for comfort.

"We were born in the 10th century. My mother and father had a daughter, she was the oldest and then came Finn. The rest of my siblings weren't born at this point. But a sickness took Freya, so my father decided that they should move to a new land. This would be now what you call Virginia." I started.

"Virginia wasn't discovered yet." Said Jasper.

I smirked.
"Yes that is what the history books say. But it was discovered in Viking times" I told him

"Anyways, when we moved, there was already people there. They were friendly and they told us about their secret. They were men who turned into beasts"

Some of the family looked shocked.

"Werewolves?" Asked Carlisle

I nodded.
"They were werewolves. So when they turned on the full moon my family and I would go down into the caves to be safe."

"My mother eventually gave birth to Elijah my older brother. Then Niklaus and then kol and I and then Rebekah and finally the youngest henrik"

I miss henrik so much. I was really close with him, not as close as I am with kol obviously because we're twins but I was really close with henrik so it destroyed me when nik brought his body back.

"One night on a full moon, my brother Niklaus wanted to see the wolves but henrik saw him leaving and nik let him come with him. But the wolves attacked them and henrik payed the price." I said with tears gathering in my eyes, I got looks of sympathy from everyone but I waved them off. It was along time ago.

"My father had already lost 2 children so he asked my mother to do something"

"How could your mother prevent this?" Asked esme.

"She was a witch" I told them

They all looked shocked.
"If your mother was a witch does that mean-" I cut Emmett off.

"Am I?" He nodded. "No I'm a vampire. We are abominations of nature. A witch serves nature it would be wrong" I told him bluntly.

"Anyways my mother called upon the sun for life and the ancient white oak tree one of nature's eternal objects for immortality." I told them.

I took a breath.
"That night my father offered us wine laced with blood, of course we didn't know it had blood in it"

They all looked quite concerned at this point.

"And then he drove his sword through our hearts" I told them bluntly. They all gasped.

"He killed you?!" Exclaimed esme.

I nodded.
"And he wasn't delicate about it either"

"We had to drink more blood to complete the ritual. It was euphoric the feeling of power was indescribable. But there were consequences"

"What we're they?" Asked Edward.

"The spirits turned on us and nature fought back. For every strength there was a weakness, the sun became our enemy it kept us indoors for weeks and then my mother found a solution." I showed them my ring.

"This allows me to walk in daylight"

"There were however other problems neighbours who had opened their homes to us could now keep us out and flowers at the base of the white oak burned and prevented compulsion and the spell decreed that the tree that gave us life could also take it away."
My mates looked concerned at the fought that something could kill me but I smirked.

"So we burnt it to the ground"

The looked a little more relived.

"But the darkest consequence was something my parents never anticipated, the hunger. The blood had made us reborn and it was blood that we craved above all else. We could not control it. And with that the predatory species was born. Any questions?"

I smiled at them, they all took the information in.

"So what can you do? Are you like us?" Asked Rosalie.

"Well obviously I'm immortal. I can run fast, I'm strong I can eat food and it's to my understanding that you cannot. Originals cannot die with a normal stake like other vampires of my kind. However my brother found away for us to be temporarily put down by using a dagger to our heart." I explained.

"My blood can also heal other humans, and I can compel people"

"So your blood can heal things like cancer?" Asked Edward.

I shook my head.
"No just injuries like a broken leg. If I was to give someone my blood it would heal within seconds."

He nodded.
"What does compulsion do?" Asked Emmett.

Hmm. Let's see if it works on him.

"Go into the kitchen and pick up a fork and bring it back to me" I compelled him.

They all watched shocked as Emmett walked into the kitchen almost robotically.

When he came back he shook himself out of the trance.

"Cool it's like I didn't want to move but I did it anyways" he explained.

"Yes I'm an original so I can compel other vampires. But other vampires cannot they can only compel humans" I told them.

"Does your species have mates?" Asked Rosalie a little hesitantly.

I smiled at her and immediately she looked revived.

"Yes and I know you are my mates. However I don't know how I have two, I've never heard of two mates" I told them.

"It's not common but it does happen" said Carlisle.

"It's not common but it does happen" said Carlisle

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