【Chapter 14】

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We all sped back to the Cullens house but when we got there Laurent was waiting outside.

"I'm mean no harm I simply wish to warn you" he told us and Carlisle the saint he is of course had to invite him in.

I rolled my eyes but was reluctantly pulled in by Emmett as was Rosalie. Rose and I were both on the same page and didn't see the point in saving Bella, she's not useful and she will put us in danger.

After he had warned us about how James was a tracker and in smart and whatever Carlisle went to escort Laurent out.

The rest of the family and I walked to the garage where we were soon joined by Carlisle, Bella and Edward.

"I've fought our kind before. There not easy to kill" Jasper told us.

"But not impossible" Emmett smirked.

"We'll tear them apart and burn the pieces"Jasper continued.

"I don't relish the thought of killing another creature even a sadistic on like James" Carlisle said making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah then he'll kill one of your family members first so suck it up" I told him sitting on the bench with my arms crossed, Rosalie came to sit next to me.

I put my arm around her and she smiled at me.

"I'm gunna run Bella south, can you lead the tracker away from here?" Edward said looking constipated as ever. Oh. My. God. I just thought of something... do their kind of vampires even go to the toilet. They don't eat food and they don't drink water and stuff like that... if they pee is it red?

I was about to open my mouth but was interrupted.

"Shut up!" Edward yelled at me, I smirked I seemed to have forgotten to keep my thoughts to myself... well serves the mind raper right.

"Stay out of my mind edweirdo" I hissed at him.

"Edward. James knows you would never leave Bella, he'll follow you" Carlisle said trying to stop us fighting.

"I'll go with Bella, Jasper and I will drive her south" Alice told them. After a moment of hesitation from Edward she added;
"I'll keep her safe Edward"

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" He asked, what does that even mean? Control your own gift edwin. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes" Alice answered as she pulled Bella towards the car.

"Rosalie, Esme, Drea could you put these on so the tracker will pick up bella's scent" Edwards said whilst he threw her disgusting clothes at us making me growl.

"One, don't call me Drea we're not friends. Two why should we risk ourselves for some dumb, clumsy, danger magnet human? Huh? I don't like her. Rose doesn't like her. We are not obligated to protect someone that isn't even your mate" I hissed at him.

"Exactly why? What is she to us?" Rosalie added; intertwining our fingers.

"Rosalie, Andrea Bella is with Edward mate or not. She is apart of this family now. And we protect our family." Carlisle said convincing Rosalie, she grabbed the coat off of her as I still remained stubborn.

"I am not apart of this family! My family are my sisters and brothers, therefore I don't need to protect the human blood bag. However I will always help my mates if they are in danger so I shall stay with them. I'm not doing it for Bella" I snatched the coat off the counter where I threw it and put it on.

Immediately my senses were overwhelmed with whatever ugly smelling perfume she uses.

"Thank you Andrea" Carlisle told me sincerely.

Rosalie grabbed my hand when she put the ugly coat on herself, I smiled at her because somehow she still looked beautiful.

Rosalie, Emmett and I all climbed into the truck, I was in the backseat and Emmett and Rosalie in the front. And we drove off

We parked the cars in the woods where we got out and started marking the trees with Bella's scent.

We all listened out for James whilst we continued marking and sure enough he was following us.

As we kept running Edward who was listening to his thoughts abruptly stopped causing all of us to do the same.
"He's figured it out" he said in a scared tone.

I sighed heavily.
"Oh great" I said sarcastically earning a death glare from him, my mates both growled when they saw this.

We all sped back towards the cars and made our way to Arizona where Bella was staying with Alice and Jasper.

When we got there the blood bag human actually had the audacity to run away and pretend to be a hero. She just ended up getting captured by James. For fuck sake.

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