【Chapter 38】

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Rosalie and Emmett and I had officially finished school now so we didn't need to go anymore. We usually just hang at either their house or mine, mostly my house because nobody else actually lives there apart from the maid so we have more privacy.

But today we were hanging at their house because the rest of the Cullens were either at school or at work. Apart from Esme, she was here.

I hear the sound of cars approaching signalling that the rest of the Cullens were back from school minus Carlisle who was still working.

"I had a vision" Was the first thing Alice said as she walked into the living room and sat down on the couch opposite us. Jasper then sat down next to her and Edward followed them.

"Victoria will be here in a few days" she told us.

"That bitch who's mate we killed?" I asked.

"Yes. She wants to kill Bella in retaliation" Edward told me and I scoffed.

"So let her" I told them.

Edward gave me a warning growl and I sat up from my mates embrace making them pout.

"Dont fucking growl at me, she is not your mate. She is a blood singer" I told him sternly.

"She might be my mate I just don't know yet" he told me slightly snarling like a dog.

"Edward what you feel isnt love it's obsession. Your obsessed with her blood and the fact that you can't read her mind, it's like a drug and your hooked. You can't see the damage she's doing to your family. You can't see the little smug looks she gives us when she gets her way" I told him and he lost it, he growled loudly and lunged at me ready to attack but I stood up and sped to the other side of the room and watched as he fell to the ground.

He lunged at me again but I held my arm out and got him in a chokehold, I used my strength watching as little cracks formed around his neck.

"I'm an original. You should be very careful of your actions towards me, I've killed people for far less. The only reason you are alive is because you are apart of my mates family and I will not break that" I told him before throwing him across the room and speeding out of the house to take my anger out on something else.

As I walked the streets I heard a cry for help, I sped towards it and saw a man on top of a woman who looked to be struggling, I saw him trying to pull her jeans down. I clenched my jaw.

She saw me and her eyes went wide as she sobbed.
"Help me!" She shouted.

The man turned towards me and grinned.
"Ah another one" he sighed out.

I smiled at him sarcastically and sped towards him and grabbed the guy by the neck. He cried out in pain as I punched his side hearing a few ribs crack.

I threw him to the ground and looked at the crying woman.
"Are you hurt?" I asked her crouching beside her, she shook her head.

"N-no" she said.

"What's your name?" I asked her trying to distract her from the panic attack that had started.

"L-Lizzy" she breathed out.

"My names Andrea. Lizzy look at me" she did as I said and I looked into her eyes.

"You will go home and shower. You will remember nothing of tonight only that you went out for a walk to calm down" I compelled her and watched as she repeated my words and walked off.

I grinned turning back towards the scum bag that was currently groaning on the ground.
He saw me walking towards him and cried out.

"P-Please don't hurt me! I won't do it again I promise!" He lied, I could hear the stutter of his heart.

I gave him an unamused look and grabbed his arm, twisting it until I heard a crack. I smiled at him as he cried out in pain.

I then grabbed his ankle and broke that too, sighing in satisfaction as I heard his screams.

I grabbed his face making him look at me.
"You will not scream but this will be agony."

I watched as his eyes glazed over, I then sunk my fangs into his neck and started draining him of his blood. I could feel him twitching under me as he felt the most agonising pain ever. He went limp in my hold as I drained all of his blood.

I smiled as I retracted my fangs listening to his heart beat slow down until it was none existence.

Looking around I saw that there were no people around me so I grabbed his body and took it to the woods. I dug a very deep hold and shoved him inside of it.

I filled the hole up half way and then looked around until I spotted a deer.
I pounced on it.
"I'm sorry" I whispered as I broke it's neck.

I grabbed it's body and shoved it into the half filled hole and covered it.
I felt bad for the deer.

I shrugged and sped back to my house and up to my bathroom where I took a shower to get rid of all the blood.

As I was getting changed I heard the front door close, I threw on a hoodie and some spandex shorts before speeding downstairs where my mates were waiting.

"Alice had a vision" Rosalie told me, I looked at her expecting to see disgust or anger but I didn't I only saw love. I then looked at Emmett and saw the same expression.

"What was the vision?" I asked hesitantly.

"She saw you save some woman in an alley and then kill the guy" Emmett explained holding his arms out for me.

I frowned in confusion.
"Your not angry at me?" I asked them.

"We know your history, we know how you are and we wouldn't change that for anything. We both love you. Plus you saved that woman from being... raped" Rose said.

I sped into Emmett's arms as Rose joined our embrace.
"I love you both. So much" I told them as Emmett held us both tighter.

"I love you too baby" Rosalie said kissing me softly.

"I love you" Emmett said.

We spent the rest of the night cuddling in my bed, they stayed with me when I fell asleep and held me all night.

We spent the rest of the night cuddling in my bed, they stayed with me when I fell asleep and held me all night

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