【Chapter 54】

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We had said goodbye to the rest of the Cullens and gotten onto the jet. We didn't tell anyone what we were doing, just that we had decided to travel for a while. I suspect that Alice knows because of her visions but I appreciate the fact that she hasn't told anyone.

We were on the plane for about 8 hours, I was really tired so we agreed to just got to the hotel straight away so that I can sleep.

We checked in and grabbed our room keys, the room was really nice. There was a large bed in the middle, a wardrobe, a set of draws, a couch, a tv and a bathroom with a very large bath and a large shower.

Since it was night time here I changed into a baby blue silk pyjama shorts set and climbed into the bed. I looked at my phone seeing it was about 2 am here. Rosalie and Emmett climbed in beside me and cuddled me. I passed out straight away.


The next day after I had showered I got changed into some black leather leggings and a red crop top, I put on some ankle boots and my black leather jacket.

I curled my hair and put on some light makeup. I walked out into the main room and saw my mates impatiently waiting at the front door making me laugh.

"Don't get too excited she might not even be able to do it" I told them sternly not wanting them to be too disappointed.

"We can't help it" Rosalie defended as she grabbed my hand leading me outside with Emmett trailing behind us.

I rolled my eyes as we walked down the hallway and to the elevator. We then walked out of the main doors and saw the car I had hired parked outside. I said 'thank you' to the man who held the door open for me and got into the car.

Rosalie sat on my left side as I sat by the window, Emmett then sat next to Rosalie so that he was at the other window.

"Kings head please" I told the driver and he nodded.

"Where are we going?" Rosalie asked me.

"The pub that my friend owns. She's the witch u was talking about" I told her.

I watched as she looked at me wide eyed and glanced at the driver making me laugh.
"Don't worry about Tony. He's part of the supernatural. Aren't you Tony?" I asked him.

"Yes Miss Mikaelson" he replied to me.

"Actually it's Mrs Mikaelson Cullen now. But I don't really care which surname you call me by" I said to him and he gave me a nod.

"He's supernatural?" Emmett asked looking him over.

"Yeah he's one of my brothers hybrids he stayed loyal to my brother because he knows which is the better side" I explained to him as we parked on the side of the road.

"We're here Mrs Cullen" he told me as my eyes lit up at the name, that's the first time someone has actually called me that since we got married.

"Thanks Tony I'll call you when we need picking up" I told him opening my side of the door and getting out. Rosalie and Emmett both followed me as I walked into the pub. It wasn't really busy yet since it's only 10am but there's a couple of people in.

I walked over to the bar and stood there. I caught eyes with my friend and she smiled at me.

"Well well well. If it isn't Andrea Mikaelson" she said as she stood at the opposite side of the bar, in front of me.

"Actually it's Andrea Mikaelson Cullen now" I teased her.

"Of course. You found your mates" she said looking at the people who stood either side of me.

"What do you want?" She asked with a knowing smile.

"Can't I just come in to visit an old friend?" I asked her.

"No. Your like your brother, just pop in unannounced always wanting something" she said to me. She then tilted her head to the side indicating to the back room. I nodded to her as she walked away.

"Come on" I said to Emmett and Rosalie, grabbing their hands I led them around the bar and into the back room where Zoe was waiting at the table.

"Emmett, Rosalie this is Zoe. My witchy friend" I told them.

They both smiled at her.
"Nice to meet you" Rosalie said to her.

"What do you want?" Zoe turned to me after smiling at my mates in greeting.

"We want to have a baby" I said bluntly and her eyes widened.

"You?!" She exclaimed.

"Yes me!" I protested.
"What's wrong with that?" I pouted at her.

"Well your you! Your a badass original and now you wanna be a mummy" she said eyes still wide at the news.

"I can be a badass original vampire mummy!" I protested.

"Fine. What are they? Cold ones?" She asked indicating to my mates.

"How'd you know about cold ones?" I asked her in shock since I had only found out about them when I met them.

"Oh all my life. There not hard to miss sweetie. They literally sparkle in the sun, their eyes are gold or red and they are as pale as a dead corpse" she said laughing.

I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Shut up. Can you do the spell or not?" I asked her.

She huffed at me, walking over to her book shelve and grabbing an old book.

"I don't know if it'll work. I've never done this spell with cold ones and a nightwalker. It's usually a nightwalker and a human or a werewolf" she explained reading over the spell.

"It might work. You can try it out and then ring me. But don't get your hopes up" she said to us making me sigh in disappointment.
"Hey I didn't say it would definitely not work, there's like a 10% chance it will work" she told me and I just shrugged.

"Whatever. What do we have to do?" I asked her.

She grabbed some things off of the shelve and started chanting in Latin.

Once she had finished two bottles of liquid had formed.

"Drink this every time you have sex and that should allow your body to gain your reproductive cycle back. You won't have periods obviously but you will have windows where your ovulating. Emmett will also need to drink this to allow his body to produce sperm." She said handing me the 2 bottles.

One labelled 'male' and the other labelled 'female'.

"Once you have sex if it works it should take about a month to actually take and show up on pregnancy tests. If you do get pregnant the pregnancy should be relatively normal. It will be for 9 months during which time you will have to drink blood. The baby will be vampire, because you are both vampires" she explained.

"This has never been done before so I'm assuming that the baby will be half nightwalker and half cold one. For example they may have the vampire face of a nightwalker and they might be pale like a cold one. They might have a gift like a cold one, and they might be able to function like a normal human like a nightwalker"

"Thank you Zoe." I said to her when she finished explaining and she smiled.

" I said to her when she finished explaining and she smiled

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