【Chapter 16】

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I groggily climbed out of my bed and walked into the bathroom, I showered and chose to wash my hair today. Once I got out I wrapped the towel around myself and walked over to the mirror.

I brushed my hair out and dried it, I also put a few curls in it, once I was done I walked into my bedroom and got dressed for school.

As I was getting dressed my phone went off, I saw my brother Elijah was calling so I answered straight away.

"Lijah? Why haven't you been answering your phone! I've tried to call you everyday for like 3 weeks I was worried!" I told him not giving him a chance to talk.

"Drea calm down! I'm fine I was daggered but the Salvatores undaggered me." He told me making me sigh.

"You were daggered again? I'm sorry Lijah" I told him sincerely.

"Now the reason I called. I am planning on undaggering the whole family tonight over dinner with the salvatores. Will you be able to make it?" He asked making my eyes go wide.

The whole family? Kol! I smiled widely at the thought of my twin brother.
"Of course I'll come Lijah! I'll start travelling there now" I said starting to get my things together.

"Ok little sister. I'll see you soon" he said hanging up.

I grabbed a suitcase and started putting clothes in it, I grabbed my hair things and my make up.

I resumed getting dressed as I had stopped to answer my brother, I put on some black leggings and a hoodie as I was going to be in the car all day and wanted to be comfortable.

As soon as I was packed I sped out to the car and put my things in it.
I got in the drivers side and started driving towards mystic falls.

As I was driving I called Rosalie.
"Hey where are you? Schools nearly starting?" She asked concerned.

"My brother called me this morning and said my whole family was going to be awake so I'm travelling there" I told her a little guilty I didn't say goodbye in person.

"Your leaving?!" She exclaimed.

"What she's leaving?!" I heard Emmett in the background followed by the rest of the family.

I assume they were all together at school right now.

"Not forever, just a few weeks then I'll come back I promise. And I'll call you guys everyday" I told them sincerely.

"Ok we'll miss you but we understand. I hope you drive safe. And stay off your phone! You may be immortal but I still don't want you getting hurt" Rosalie told me sternly.

"Yes ma'am. I'll miss you guys too."

"We have to go schools starting. We love you" she told me.

"I love you both too" I hung up.


I arrived in mystic falls passing the sign, I headed into the grill not wanting to deal with my brothers without some type of alcohol.

Nobody really knew who I was here except for Damon. I only observed them the first few weeks I was here because I had heard of the doppelgänger.

A blonde bartender approached me.
"What would you like?" He asked.

"Bourbon" I answered and he walked away to give me my drink.

After I had a drink at the bar I walked out and back to my car.

I then headed to the address Elijah had sent me, also known as my new family home.

I then headed to the address Elijah had sent me, also known as my new family home

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