【Chapter 53】

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A/N Double chapter today! Your welcome ;)

It's been a few weeks since Bella left and Charlie has constantly called the house phone asking about her. We don't know what to tell him, I mean how do you tell a father that their own child has left him without any clue as to where they have gone.

We were planing on leaving again, maybe go to visit my family in New Orleans because their problems have died down a little, and my little niece is due to be born in a few months.

Renesmee has grown a little more over the past few weeks, she now looks to be about one. She keeps growing faster everyday, we're all a little worried that she will die of old age before we've even really gotten to spend time with her.

Jacob has been hanging around us more because of Nessie. Edward and Jacob have become more civilised with each other, I wouldn't say they were friends but they both have a mutual understanding that Bella both used them. Jacobs been less of a jerk now that he's not fighting for Bella's affection.

I'm also warming up to Edward, he's not a giant ass now. He's actually an alright guy.

I walked upsatairs towards Nessie's room so that I could wake her up and she could eat her breakfast. The rest of the Cullens have gone out hunting, I still don't drink animal blood so I just decided to watch Nessie.

I opened the door to the nursery and saw her already sitting up and looking towards me, smiling.

She made grabby hands at me and I smiled softly at her, I picked her up and she placed her head on my shoulder.

I turned on the light in her room and walked over to the changing table where I placed her down. I then walked over to the closet where I picked out a cute outfit for her. I chose a dark green long sleeved shirt and some black leggings with flowers on them.

(No hat)

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(No hat)

I walked back over to the changing table where she lay wriggling around, she smiled at me as I approached her. I changed her diaper hand then dressed her in the clothes.

"You look so cute!" I cooed as I picked her up and placed her on my hip.

She grabbed my hair and started playing with it as I took her downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and placed her into the high chair. I then grabbed one of the baby plates that Esme had bought, with the little sections for the food, and I cut up some bananas and placed them into one of the sections.

I then cut up some grapes and placed them in another section. I grabbed a cucumber and cut it into round sections. Then I grabbed a star cutter and made star shapes. Throwing the peels into the bin I placed the plate onto the surface on the high chair.

"Mhm!" She squealed grabbing a slice of banana making me laugh lightly.

I then took some milk and poured it into a bottle, I grabbed a blood bag and added a little bit of blood. She's half vampire so we have to keep her fed up on blood.

I placed the bottle next to her plate and started to clean down the kitchen surface as she ate.

Once she was finished eating she had banana all over her face making me laugh. I grabbed her plate and put it in the sink.

I then grabbed a wet wash cloth and wiped her face and hands, making her all clean again.
I picked her up out of the high chair and grabbed her bottle that she hadn't finished yet. I walked into the living room and placed her into the baby bouncer so that it faced the tv.

I turned on Doc McStuffins and handed her the bottle. She smiled grabbing it and stuffing it in her mouth so that she could drink her milk and watch the tv.

I smiled lightly and walked into the kitchen and washed the dishes just in time for the rest of the Cullens to come back.

My mates walked over to me and kissed me as the rest of the family walked into the living room to hang out with Nessie.

"Did she cry?" Rosie asked me.

I shook my head.
"Nope. She was already awake when I went to get her and then I fed her some bananas, grapes and cucumber" I told her and she smiled.

"Did you feed her some blood?" Emmett asked me and I nodded.

"Baby?" Rosalie asked me and I looked at her.
"Come with us we want to talk to you" she said making me a little worried but I allowed them to lead me upstairs.

"What's wrong?" I asked as they shut the door and we all sat on the bed.

"Nothing we just wanted to ask what you think about kids?" Emmett said and I gave him a questioning look.

"Well I love Nessie" I told them in a 'duh' tone.

Rosalie laughed a little.
"No we mean about us having a kid" she clarified.

"Well I've always wanted a baby but I'm a vampire. It's kind of hard." I told them.

"But you said that witches were able to help vampires get pregnant" Emmett said sadly.

"Well yeah. But I don't know if it will work with you being a cold one. It might but we would have to talk to someone to see if they are able to do it" I explained.

"Do you want a baby with us?" He asked.
And I smiled nodding.

"Of course! I love you both so much and I'd love to have a baby with you" I said and they both kissed me.

"I love you too" Rosalie said.

"I love you both so much" Emmett said.

I smiled.
"I have a witch that I trust she's very powerful and might be able to do the spell or at least inform us if it's possible for a cold one and a nightwalker" I said to them.

"When can we talk to this person?" Rosalie asked excitedly.

"We can go within the week. They live in the uk so we'd have to catch a flight there. We can use my family's jet" I told them and they stared at me in shock.

"Jet?!" Emmett asked excitedly.

"Yeah my family owns a jet and since my brother hasn't been out of New Orleans in months it should be at the airport. I can hire someone to bring it to Port- Angeles airport" I told them already getting out my phone to message the pilot.

 I can hire someone to bring it to Port- Angeles airport" I told them already getting out my phone to message the pilot

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