【Chapter 43】

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I caught sight of Alice who waved me over, grabbing Kol's hand I made my way towards her, Bella and a few of the wolves.

"Come on" Alice told us walking upstairs.

We walked into a hallway with nobody in it, except Carlisle, Jasper and Edward. We joined them and Alice immediately started talking.

"They'll be here in four days" she said.

"This could turn into a bloodbath" Carlisle said pacing.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked Alice.

"I didn't see anyone I recognised" she responded.
"Maybe one" she added after thinking about it.

"I recognise his face" Edward said going into her mind without permission again. I rolled my eyes and kol looked at me confused, oh he doesn't know about the powers that cold ones have.

I sent him a look 'I'll tell you later' and he nodded.

"He's local, Riley biers. He didn't start this" Edward continued.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action" Alice told him.

"Maybe it is Victoria" I said and Alice looked at me in confusion.

"But I've already checked her" she told me.

"No but think about it, we killed her mate. She would want revenge for that, so maybe she's gotten someone to make the decisions for her and she doesn't make them. Therefore playing with the blind spots in your vision" I explained.

"That could be possible" she told me.

"Either way, the army is coming" Jasper said from Alice's side.
"The army's coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town" He continued.

"Hold up. What damn army?!" Jacob finally asked after being confused for most of this conversation.

"Newborns. Our kind" Carlisle told him.

I grinned. It sounds like an army of newborn babies are coming to eat us all. Run from the babies they're deadly. I bit my lip to keep from laughing as Edward glared at me. Reading my mind again edweirdo. He glared harder.

"What are they after" another wolf boy asked, I don't know his name.

"They we're passing around Bella's scent. A red blouse" Alice told him.

"They're after Bella?!" Jacob exclaimed looking a lot more concerned.
"What the hell does this mean?!" He asked.

Is he dumb, an army is coming... why else would someone form an army other than to fight a war.

"It means an ugly fight with lives lost" Carlisle said glumly.

Jacob looked at the other two wolves who nodded back to him having a silent conversation.
"Alright we're in" he said turning back to Carlisle.

"No." Bella whined.
"You'd get yourselves killed. No way." She said.

So she's willing to let her boyfriend fight in a battle that he could die in but not the guy she likes? She's a strange human.

"I wasn't asking for permission" Jacob told her and I smirked. Burn. That's her told.

I glanced at kol who grinned at me thoroughly enjoying this love triangle.

"Edward." Bella whined.

"It means more protection for you" he said to her, Bella huffed. Probably thinking about losing both of the guys that are obsessed with her.

"Jacob, do you believe sam would agree to an understanding?" Carlisle asked him.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires" he smirked.

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