•Chapter Thirty-Nine•

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Playlist // What Would You Do - Bastille


*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"We'll have to split up." Daryl suggests.

"But we need a solid plan. One that we know will work." Rick says, looking at Daryl. "We need groups, and a place to meet at a specific time."

"We can start heading back when the sun starts to set." Zoe says, looking amongst everyone.

Rick nods in approval, scanning through his tiny army. "Groups." He says, leaning against the wall.

"Three groups. Two containing two people, one with three." Daryl says, nodding at Rick.

"Olive, Collin and I can be the group of three and you two can go off the way you were before." Zoe purposes, looking at her children.

"No," Rick says sternly. "I would prefer to get to know some of you." He says as he pushes himself off the wall. "Olive, you can come with me and Carl. Daryl and Collin together. Zoe and Greyson."

"Dad, I don't have to be on your team." Carl argues, emphasizing 'team'. "I can fend for myself."

Rick looks at his son, almost looking as if he was taken aback. "I know you can." His voice deepens, as if he's standing his ground. "But I'd prefer you be with me. Safe."

"There is no safe in this world. Either you take the risk or die." Carl looks at his father, convincing him with his look.

When Rick doesn't say anything I step forward, hoping to win Carl's approval. "Carl can come with us." I say, not even bothering to look at Zoe who would now be looking over two "kids".

Carl doesn't look back at me. Doesn't smile. He doesn't do anything. He stays looking forward, expressionless.

"You're going to be back here when the sun starts setting. No exceptions." Rick says, warning Carl.

"I've got it." Carl replies, turning around.

When Carl turns around, I was expecting him to smirk at me, walk to me, even acknowledge my existence. Instead, he looks right past me. As if there was a hole going through me. My eyes follow him as he walks past me. He ignores my stares as marching straight to one of the empty bags.

Rick walks next to me to Zoe, giving her a hard stare.

"Keep them safe at all costs." He says, nodding at me after, then leaving.

"Let's get going." Carl commands, swinging the bag over his shoulder.

As I follow his actions, I analyze the person I saw a few moments ago. It's as if the body of Carl was still as pure as when I found him, but his brain was now wired to be a mini Rick. Something about him screams leadership.

He was growing up. He was finally growing up. That kiss the other day when he saw me was a kiss goodbye, not one to say hello.

My brain flickered to this morning when Olive stopped Carl to tell him...

I don't even know what she told him. That's the problem. If I can't figure out what she meant, Carl shouldn't have either. He has no reason to be mad.

Maybe he wasn't mad. Just being a leader.

I hadn't even noticed we were already trudging down the road on our way to wherever our path took us.

We walked in a line, looking as if we were an army. A small, but strong army.

Carl was leading us, taking his place in the order. I was behind him, encouraging myself to get as close to him as possible. And Zoe was in the back, taking watch if we missed anything.

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