•Chapter Twenty-Three•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

I was afraid to move. I didn't want to wake Carl up from his deep slumber.

I slowly looked up, seeing Carl's eyes still strongly closed. His mouth was slightly ajar and his soft snores were like music to my ears.

We didn't establish anything last night. We only made out then fell asleep not validating our current relationship status.

My arm was wrapped around Carl's torso and his was caved over my shoulders in a protecting manner.

Carl gently stirs in his sleep, evidentially opening his eyes from lack of room. I smile up at him, wanting just to cuddle like this all day, every day.

"Good morning." Carl says, his voice deeper than the Pacific Ocean, Jesus this isn't healthy. His morning voice was the best thing I've ever heard. It was deep and groggily, with a tender spray of voice crack here and there.

"Good morning." I retaliate. My voice wasn't as intriguing. It sounded like I was trying to sound like a guy, but failing badly.

He smiled down at me, his arm still guarding me. I tried my best not to chicken out as I quickly leaned forward and pecked his lips. I never was someone to just do it. Not a go-getter. I guess that's what the apocalypse is for. New world, new me.

"Yes I'm sure!" Glenn yells, walking past Carl's cell quickly with Rick and Daryl by his side. Carl immediately sits up, making sure not to hurt me in the process.

"What the..." Carl speaks, hurriedly escaping from the bed.

I follow in suit, being curious about what Glenn was so worriedly sure about.

Carl takes off the curtain from his cell and eagerly shoves the door open. We both quickly run to whatever direction Glenn, Rick, and Daryl were going.

"What did it look like?" I hear Daryl ask from down the hall we were walking down.

"Dark, but it definitely wasn't a Walker. I-it wasn't moving slowly or traditionally like a Walker would at all." Glenn rushes out, his worried voice seeking through.

"We need to have more than one person up there at once, and someone to keep guard. If someone really is watching us, most likely they'll attack. And we need to be ready for that." Rick says, just as Carl and I approach the three men.

"What's going on?" Carl asks, shooting glances between the guys.

"Me and Carol'll go take watch right now. You boys figure out what the hell is going on." Daryl says, exiting the conversation.

"We need-"

"Dad." Carl interrupts him, bluntly glaring at him.

"Carl, go find Judith and the kids." Rick commands.

"No." Carl says. I look down at his damaged torso, bandaged after the gun shot. He seems fine now.

"Carl, do it."

"No, I want to help." He insists, exchanging cold stares with his father. "We want to help." He says, grabbing my hand and holding it. My stomach fluttered to know Carl was being affectionate to me in front of his father, but I knew he was just trying to prove a point.

He sighs in defeat and looks at Glenn who looks like he had just seen a ghost.

"Glenn, take them down to the gates. Let them help you guard. Find Maggie and bring her down with you guys. I'll come and get you all when we shift." Rick demands, using hand gestures to tell us.

"Come on guys." Glenn says, ushering us back down the hall, leaving Rick alone. I look back and see Rick, he looks devastated. He peers down the ground as if it was its fault. He then looks up at the wall, as if he was told it was now the walls fault, and he punches it. He doesn't flinch when he pulls it away, he doesn't hold his hand afterward, just looks at the wall one last time before walking down the hall in the other direction.

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