•Chapter Fifty•

242 22 4

Going Through Changes - Eminem
Not Afraid - Eminem
Survival - Eminem

*Greyson's P.O.V.*

"Why don't you look at me like they look at each other." Mikey pouts, sticking his lip out at Ron.

Ron shakes his head, fighting the urge to laugh. "We just don't have the sparks anymore."

Mikey brings his finger up to his eye, trailing down his cheek as if he was crying.

Both of them laugh, playfully hitting each other in the shoulder, as if that would show manliness.

"Sonny." A familiar voice says, landing their hand on my shoulder. "Can we talk?"

I turn around, since my hand was holding Carl's it caused his arm to wrap around my waist, which he didn't move.

"Can't we talk later? I'm having fun." I never in a million years thought that word would escape my mouth again.

"Greyson." Nora says as if telling me we had to go without verbally saying the words.

I turn to Carl solemnly, casting my eyes down in an embarrassed motion.

"It's okay." He says to me, not caring if my sister heard. "I'll probably only stay for another half hour or something." He smiles understandingly to me.

"I love you." I say, looking back up at him. He uses his other arm that wasn't cradling me to cup my face and kiss me once more. I squeeze my eyes shut, as if I had ate a lemon, bringing his head as close as it could go to mine.

Reluctantly, I pull away.

"I love you too." He retorts, depressingly looking at me as I was tore away from him.

"What the fuck!" I exclaim, yanking the door shut.

"We need to talk." My sister repeats, no emotion showing on her features.

"What couldn't wait? What was so important that you had to pull me away from what was the most fun I've had in two years." I stomp next to my sister, walking towards our tiny home.

"Fun?" My sister scoffs. "There is no fun in this world now, Greyson."

I stopped in my tracks, looking straight at my sister who was now stopped. "The world changed, people changed, but the way we work didn't. We crave the best of everything. We're safe, were away from the walkers. We're allowed to have fun without worrying about what is going on around us."

"Fun makes you weak." She argues.

"I'm alive!" I yell, fighting for a war I didn't know was going to happen. "I'm as strong as I was a year ago, I'm as strong as I will be tomorrow. Having humanity doesn't make you weak. Obliviousness makes you weak."

"Let's get to the house." She ignores my response, turning on her heel and heading for the home.

Reluctantly, I follow, keeping my distance from my sister.

As we approach the house, any adrenaline that had died on the walk here had doubled in size, taking my anger with it.

"Sit and let me talk." Nora says, slamming the door after me.

I sit on the couch, glaring at her as I walked to it.

"Remember, I'm your sister. I just want the best for you." She mutters, avoiding eye contact.

"When I got here, I noticed something that bothered me, and it just keeps getting worse. It was unmissable, anyone within the fucking gates could've guessed what was happening." She gulps, pacing the room. "And I'm sorry I let it go on for this long."

My heart dropped to my stomach, taking a guess at what she was talking about.

"You cannot love Carl."

My adrenaline pumps, I quickly stand up, looking at my sister coldly.

"You can't tell me who I can't and can be in love with. I am my own person, I can make my own fucking choices, Nora."

"No, I am your guardian. I'm all you've got! You can't immaturely fall in love just because you both hit puberty at the same time. That isn't love, it's a fraud. A replacement for what you think you missed." Now we were shouting at each other from across the living room, stomping our feet to emphasize our words.

"You have no clue what love even is! What it's like to be in love, it's-it's what happiness is in this fucked up world!" I shake my head, not believing was she was arguing with me about.

"I have no idea what love is? You're fifteen! You're a child, Greyson! You can't just find someone your age and think that's what love is." After yelling, her breath was heavy and her mouth slightly open. She licks her lips, opening her mouth wide once again.

"You can't see him anymore, Greyson." She pauses to laugh a small huff of anger. "You can't fall in love with anyone. Only me and you. We're family, were the only team. If worse comes to worse you're the person that I'd go with." My heart races, tears streaming down my cheeks. "You fall in love, and you want to protect that person. You do everything in your power to keep them alive, even if that means that you die. I can't have you die. You saw me, I risked my life for you because I love you. That's what love does to you, and I can't risk you dying because of an apocalypse fling."

"Fling, fling!" I yell, mocking her. "This isn't a fling! It took me forever to fall in love with him! Back at the prison, I left. For you! Not for me, not for him, for you. And I regret that everyday of my life." I gulp down, narrowing my eyes. "You aren't keeping me from him."

And with that, I turn around, marching my way to "our" bedroom to move my clothes.

"If you keep seeing him, then I'm leaving, and I'm taking you with me." She stops me.

I clench my fists, turning back around to face her.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Greyson." She remarks.

"You can't force me to go anywhere." I say. "I leave on my terms, with my family."

"I am your family. Your only family!" She retorts, taking a step towards me.

"Not when you act like this." I say, turning back around to travel where I previously wanted to go.

"What would mom and dad think?" She spits out, stopping me once again.

I couldn't believe the words escaping her mouth. She used our deceased parents against me?

"If you're not going to stop seeing him, then go pack." She commands, standing her ground.

"You aren't serious." I growl.

"Dead." She seems emotionless, cold hearted.

"I'll stop," I finally agree.

"Good." She smirks. "I'll tell everyone you went to bed."

I turn around, freshly shed tears staining my cheeks.

As I climb the stairs, I wipe my tears and stop crying.

With each step I took, my melancholy expression turns to a smirk.




I'm not sure if you guys wanted this double update

My pizza rolls, my pizza rolls, my pizza rolls are on fire

So my authors note last chapter was right, don't get used to the cuteness

Or was it


you're welcome

You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


Dark Serenity - Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now