•Chapter Sixteen•

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Playlist// Cage The Elephant ~ Telescope

Bon Iver ~ Skinny Love

*Greyson's P.O.V.*

The rough pacing of Rick from behind me was the only thing that I could hear through out the house. I actually kind of miss the silence before they found me. The small tiny creaks that broke the silence always annoyed me post apocalypse.

"Relax." I spit out, I pause from packing for only seconds. His footsteps stop, but the tension wasn't missable. "I'm not gonna try to kill you, if thats the reason."

"Hardly," Rick laughs in a sarcastic way. "I need to check on Carl."

I zip up my dirty bag thats been with me since the begining. The only thing connecting me to the before life.

"You seem anxious to go back." He comments, sitting on one of the chairs that was messed up. Torn fabric, blood stains, nasty.

"I left for a reason." I roll my eyes. I wouldn't just leave to hurt Carl, that's for sure.

"That being?" I turn around to face Rick, glaring at his presence.

"No offense Rick, but if I were to tell anyone, it wouldn't be you." I turn back around, examining the Cabin once more.

"It'd be Carl." He says, my stomach churning to think I'll see him once more. It sounded less crazy when someone else said his name. To know I didn't make him up, to know I didn't make the memories up. He was real, but I was begining to think he was fictional.

Hearing his name when I was actually thinking straight made me realize one more thing.

I missed Carl.


*Carl's P.O.V.*

'Jamie might've been gone, but I still felt as if there was someone following close behind me, guiding me towards the good and away from the bad. Like she had done when she was alive. Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it.

I know I'm never going to fall in love again, but I'm okay with that. The love she showed me was enough for the rest of my life. Our love truly was, A Walk To Remember.'

I slowly close the book, processing what had happened. The girl he loved had left him, leaving him a changed man. He was a sad, solitared man who needed nothing more to be told than that he was important. She was a happy, daring girl, who was just laying ontop of her death bed.

I can't help but compare my situation to the one in the book. The girl had know she was going to leave, but didn't tell the boy. The boy was hurt, but knew she was sorry. The girl left the boy with memories he'll never forget. And the boy changed for the good.

Except, I didn't change for the good. I changed for the worse. But I chose to believe our walk to remember isn't over. I want there to be more than just the short time I got with her.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when someone enters my tiny cell.

"I'm sorry." Sasha's smooth voice rings through my ears as she sits herself down on my bed.

"For what?" I ask, scrounging up my eye brows.

"Not being able to find her. For you getting shot." She lays her hand on my knee in a comforting way, sorrow viable in her eyes.

"Sasha, you tried. That's all I wanted. And me getting shot, I survived." We both exchange chuckles and stare at things that aren't each other.

"That I'm thankful for." She says, starring at the wall next to my bed.

"Do you think we'll ever find her?" I ask the question that's been bothering me ever since she left.

"Carl," She hums in a motherly way. "If she wants to be found, she'll be found. I can guarantee you though, she's safe."

My muscles relax a bit at her statement. She's right, Grey is strong, very strong. If anything, walkers should be scared of her.

She is alive.


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