•Chapter Twenty-Two

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

Carl was silent for a long time after I was finished. He stared at the ground as if daydreaming.

"I'm sorry, Grey." He said, his voice cracking in the process. "I had no idea."

"No one did. It's not like you could read my mind." I sigh, now joining in looking at the ground. "But, I promise I won't leave again." I look back up at his bright blue eyes and couldn't resist to make this oath. "And if we ever get separated, I promise you Carl Grimes, I will find you. No matter who I'm with. No matter what I'm doing. I will find you, even if it takes the rest of my walker-infested years."

When I said that, I sounded a lot like my sister. Not just the words, but my voice. As if she were the one saying it instead of me.

I don't know why I did it, but as soon as I was finished making that promise, I laid my head flat on Carl's shoulder as if expecting him to comfort me.

He gently wrapped his right arm, the one closet to me, around my body and leaned his head on mine.

It felt nice, I felt protected from the world. As if Carl could fight off the millions of walkers roaming our earth.

I clashed our hands together in a waffle formation and kept our position. I never want to leave this moment. I just wanted to relive it over and over again.

"I shot her," He spoke, alarming me.

"Who?" I asked, curious not because I was afraid, but genuinely because he seems to care about whoever he did shoot.

"She was dying, she asked me to do it so she didn't turn into one of them." He completely ignored my question. "She was in labor, and she had to cut out the baby. I tried so hard to get her to kill the baby, I didn't want to live without a mom."

That word broke me. Carl had to shoot his own mom. He had to live knowing the moment she died she saw her own son hold a gun at her head.

"I couldn't even look at Judith in a brotherly way. I only wanted her dead. She killed my mom, and she lived. But the moment I actually sat down and looked at her, I realized she was a mini version of my mom." That was a lot to spill. My story wasn't as near as tear-jerking as his is.

"I still remember her last words." He whimpered, taking his head off of mine to focus. "This is what I want. This is right. Now, you take care of your daddy for me, all right? And your little brother or sister. You're gonna be fine. You are gonna beat this world, I know you will. You are smart and you are strong and you are so brave. And I love you. You gotta do what's right. You promise me you'll always do what's right. It's so easy to do the wrong thing in this world. So if it feels wrong, don't do it, all right? If it feels easy, don't do it. Don't let the world swallow you. You're so good, my sweet boy. You're the best thing I ever did. I love you." I saw a tiny tear escape Carl's eye before he quickly swipes it away. I wanted to cry too, it was heart breaking. And the way Carl said it made it even more sad. I just wanted to hold him, comfort him. He sounded like a kid who couldn't find his parents. It was sweet and upsetting in the same token.

"I haven't cried about it since. I bottled all my tears. Hell, I even took some on my pain out on my dad, who was mourning just as much as I was."

I moved my arm around and hugged him from the side, not moving my head. I didn't care how this looked, he needed it.

"We need," Carl said after around four minutes of silence. "We need to,"

"I know." I say, interrupting him. I didn't want him saying the word 'kisses'. It made it feel so immature and young. Like a kid was waddling up to their dog and giving it kisses. I wanted to take this situation in a grown up way, and calling them kisses isn't grown up.

"The kisses." Carl says, his hand still locked in mine. "Why did we kiss each other?"

"I've been thinking about it ever since it happened." I admit. "I've had dreams featuring those moments. And I'll admit, sometimes I wanted to dream about them."

"I've daydreamed about them willingly. And while were being completely honest, they made me happy." I smile and look at him. He's blinking his eyes rapidly and staring down at his thumbs. He's an incredibly insecure person.

He looks up at me when he gets the sense that I'm looking at him. His eyes were like crystals threatening to break themselves.

Instantly the thing I've been craving more than anything lately, happens. His lips were on mine in moments and neither of us had any intentions of pulling away.

We both lay down on his bed, my body on top of his. The tension rose ten feet in the air as soon as he laid his hand on my back. I could feel sparks tackle every organ in my stomach as we kissed right then and there. Every question I was previously asking myself, was answered.

Do I want this to be something more?


What would happen?

I don't know, nor do I care. As long as I'm with him.

Do I like Carl?



Hey guysss

Sorry I was going to update Saturday but I had my birthday party and yesterday I was lazy af

But today I didn't have school because of a snow day KA CHING

I literally meet Taylor Caniff this Wednesday THIS WEEK ISNMAKENWONDJS

okay okay

WATTPAD LETS YOU PUT MEDIA ON THE APP NOW (my internet sucks so I always write on my phone)

there's going to be a picture for every chapter now lol

I've already went back and added some in

anyways I guess I'll let you guys go

You're beautiful.

Don't be a zombie.


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