•Chapter Three•

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*Greyson's P.O.V.*

Carl and I exit the building we had entered to greet his father and I instantly find myself feeling uncomfortable. I knew nothing about any of these people, why should I feel comfortable?

Comfortable or not, I can't stay for long.

As I contemplate how I got myself here with people I didn't know, I realize Carl didn't even know my name. Why did he welcome me to his environment so happily without even knowing my name?

"Greyson." I say, catching Carl off guard.

"Huh?" He responds, stopping to look at me.

"That's my name, Greyson." I say with a smile, he deserved hospitality. He smiles back, continuing to walk.

"Can I call you Grey?" He asks walking next to me. In all honesty, I have no idea where I'm going, I really wish he'd get in front of me.

"Why?" I ask hesitantly.

"I like giving people nicknames." He says, taking lead, thank god.

"Fine. But only you can call me that. I don't know any of these people. They sure as hell can't call me some nickname." I gestured. Carl smiled at that. I'm guessing the boy rarely smiles here. He craves a smile so much, so when there's a hint of a chance, he takes it.

"Cell 47." He says aloud. "My cell is 42, so I'm not too far."


"Next to you is Beth. And on the other side is Lizzie and Mika. They're all basically kids. So it won't be like adults around you." Carl scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I'll let you get settled. Lunch will be soon. And curfew is just as it hits pitch black, which basically means don't leave the gates after then." He nods before walking away from my cell.

So this place is an abandoned prison, comforting.

I set my bag down next to my bed that looks like a mattress on a slump of metal and legs. The cell is small and cramped, but none-the-less is better than sleeping in trees.

I look at the cardboard box I'm assuming is supposed to be my 'dresser'. How exquisite.

So I guess this is where I'll be, temporarily.

Home sweet home.


I heard a bell followed by many people leaving their cells. I'm guessing this is lunch.

I sure hope they're not some crazy place that serves rat tails.

I hop off of my bed and open my cell. Not much privacy being bars there and no wall. I guess it'll do.

I walk out of the room holding all the cells and into a room that had wooden tables that looked like they could collapse any minute. I saw most people had already gotten their food and were munching down on it. I sigh and get in line to get my food.
Just like school before this whole apocalypse thing. The decision of choosing a place to sit and the social groups. It seemed so surreal. Like middle school all over again.

Once I got my food I stopped in place, searching around. The anxiety of lunch placements was unsettling. I felt a lump form in my throat.

I looked over to my right near a window where all the kids, including Carl, were sitting enjoying their lunch. They looked like such a happy bunch, who knew civilization still existed in this world.

I then looked to my left and saw an empty table. I pondered sitting with Carl for a moment, him being my only 'friend' here, but decided against it. I don't know the other kids. What if they don't want me sitting there?

I silently take my seat and inspect the food. Not bad. Spaghetti. Pretty filling and plenty for us all. How in the world do they get all these supplies?

"I didn't say you could sit on your own." A familiar voice says. I turn to look at the boy, a noodle half hanging out of my mouth. He has a cocky smirk played through on his face and his eyes gleaming with humor.

"Be gone peasant." I say, easing the conversation.

"C'mon. We all want you to sit with us." I look at the table I was previously looking at. All the children are looking at me and smiling as if inviting me in their own way.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Now I sound like an insecure middle schooler.

"Get your ass over there." He laughs. "You can even sit by me."

I don't know what I liked more, the fact I was actually wanted at this place, or that I could sit by Carl. My brain fluttered with thoughts I immediately pushed away. Silly me, being a teenager. There's no time for that in this world.

I reluctantly nodded and followed the boy to the table. The boy who was previously sitting next to Carl took the hint and scooted over, leaving me more than enough room.

"Hi!" A girl chirped holding her hand out from across the table. She has dirty blonde hair that was put up into a loose ponytail and brown shaded eyes. "I'm Beth."

"Greyson." I smiled, shaking the girls hand.

"This is Lizzie, Mika, Hank, Trevor, and Sally." She said pointing to the kids. Lizzie and Beth seemed to be the only ones that were the same age as Carl and I, or around it. Settling.

"Hi." I said awkwardly before looking at Carl. He looked right back at me with a half-smile.

The rest of lunch was tiny conversations and chewing down on the rest of our food. After eating 1/4 of my bowl I was done. My stomach wasn't used to getting an actual full meal.


"Grey?" I hear through the bars. I look up and see the only familiar face in this whole prison.

"You're supposed to be in bed Carl." I give him an non-approving look.

"Can I come in?" He whispers. I sigh but get off of my bed. The only bed I've been in since I left Oklahoma.

I slowly open the cell door, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Since it's your first night in the prison, I wanted to show you something." He smiled and pulls out a rolled up magazine looking thing. "When I first had to sleep in here I was scared shitless. Well, not only the first night. Every night for a week until Maggie found a collection of these for me." He unrolls the item and shows off the cover.

"Spider-man," he whispers, admiring the book. "One of my favorite comic books."

"T-thank you, Carl." I don't know what to say. I've never really been a big comic book reader, but I had been a big reader on like, books. Actual books.

He doesn't respond, just smiles. I love that he actually cares. I'm just a girl he picked up just a few hours ago, and he's trying so hard to make me feel as if I belong.

"Here, read some of it with me." He says before sitting down on my bed, watching me, waiting for me to join him.

I take one look at the comic book before trudging to my bed and sitting next to a happy Carl.

"Here, I'll read to you." He says, retrieving the book from me. "Once upon a time." He says without even opening the comic book. I look at him with a sly smirk, knowing he was just joking.

"Go on, get comfy." He says, wiggling his body on the pillow. I laugh and squeeze in between him and the wall.

"Okay," he breaths in. "Once upon a time."



I really wanna listen to music but my radio is playing an advice thing this is creepy


Kind of short I'm sorryyy

I'll keep the authors note sweet and short

adios brochachos


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